My beef with a lot of the POP stuff isn't that it's girly looking. It's that it's cheap or boring looking. The newly revealed Flutterina is a prime example of this. Her face looks like so many of the other female faces, her dress is very plain, and her wings look cheap. She's a peg warmer through and through.
been noticing that too! Flutterina looks like a repainted head of Bikini Teela...
All POP are pegwarmers unless they are RARE like shadow Weaver (only because she was a Sub exclusive) can't sell POP figures for Cost and you have to take a $5-10 loss on them..sometimes more
With Vintage MOTU, that is not the case.Fisto,Sorceress,Teela,Scareglow,Whiplash,Kobra Kahn,Beast Man,Tri-klops are highly valuable because of their DEMAND! they have DRIED up and are no longer available.That alone proves what sells better
POP folks think because of the fake sell-outs on Matty, that their precious pink figures are selling like hot cakes and are just as demanded,while the after market prices for POP figures are below retail cost