Masters of the Universe Classics

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My beef with a lot of the POP stuff isn't that it's girly looking. It's that it's cheap or boring looking. The newly revealed Flutterina is a prime example of this. Her face looks like so many of the other female faces, her dress is very plain, and her wings look cheap. She's a peg warmer through and through.

been noticing that too! Flutterina looks like a repainted head of Bikini Teela...

All POP are pegwarmers unless they are RARE like shadow Weaver (only because she was a Sub exclusive) can't sell POP figures for Cost and you have to take a $5-10 loss on them..sometimes more

With Vintage MOTU, that is not the case.Fisto,Sorceress,Teela,Scareglow,Whiplash,Kobra Kahn,Beast Man,Tri-klops are highly valuable because of their DEMAND! they have DRIED up and are no longer available.That alone proves what sells better

POP folks think because of the fake sell-outs on Matty, that their precious pink figures are selling like hot cakes and are just as demanded,while the after market prices for POP figures are below retail cost :lol
been noticing that too! Flutterina looks like a repainted head of Bikini Teela...

All POP are pegwarmers unless they are RARE like shadow Weaver (only because she was a Sub exclusive) can't sell POP figures for Cost and you have to take a $5-10 loss on them..sometimes more

With Vintage MOTU, that is not the case.Fisto,Sorceress,Teela,Scareglow,Whiplash,Kobra Kahn,Beast Man,Tri-klops are highly valuable because of their DEMAND! they have DRIED up and are no longer available.That alone proves what sells better

POP folks think because of the fake sell-outs on Matty, that their precious pink figures are selling like hot cakes and are just as demanded,while the after market prices for POP figures are below retail cost :lol

Tru dat. :goodpost:

I think Shadow Weaver deserves a bit more credit though. She probably would have sold out if she was a regular monthly figure. She was a big part of why I wound up subbing that year, because I knew she would command crazy aftermarket prices.
Well hopefully they are not in '14 so I don't have to buy them...I'll probably end up just blowing out my opened POP figures at $5 a piece when its all over...the only POP figures I am even open to keeping are She-Ra (because it's He-man's sister),Scorpia (For Horde) and Mermista for my niece who seems to like mermaids....

That is why I can no longer support the Sub...I just feel like I am throwing away money just to get the figures I really want....I onced supported the Sub because of the supposed convenience and it's sometimes easy to get caught up wanting to collect everything in a toy line.All the Sub has done is forced me to buy expensive figures that I never had interest in..

IMO, Two-bad and Modulok put the final nail in the coffin for the line...82-85 (the best of the best of the whole line) is complete!

If we get a full 2015,it is because Mattel FORCED the line through..with another price increase coming and sub par characters left,I'll be picking my Rio Blast,Ninjor,and Dragstor and call it a day after 5-6 years of collecting this line.

According to the 200 POP fans out there ((maybe 20 actual LOUD vocal folks that are from the SAME posters over and over)...MOTU Classics has only flourished because of POP :cuckoo: ..... what such delusion from POP fanatics

Mixing a Girls line with a Boys line,it ONLY worked because of the "forced to buy ALL figures Subscription".The passion of the MOTU fans wanting their MOTU Vintage figures made in Classics is the only reason POP even has the figures to begin with..

My Passion has timed out...82-85 is complete (which was what I wanted from the start)..anything 86-87 was Icing on the cake

Some folks insist that all these properties are equally as important. For very few that may be true. Overall though, absolutely not. As much as the 4H are great at what they do, we're getting into territory now that even their talents can't do too much with.

I'm taking the lower legs off Dactys and giving them to a second Buzz-Off and waiting for the "headpack" concept to come to fruition. NA Skelly looks good... as custom fodder. If I try I can find some use in some of these figures. Netossa, Castaspella, Glimmer, Flutterina? That's a Rainbow Brite crew I can easily leave behind.

Tru dat. :goodpost:

I think Shadow Weaver deserves a bit more credit though. She probably would have sold out if she was a regular monthly figure. She was a big part of why I wound up subbing that year, because I knew she would command crazy aftermarket prices.

Shadow Weaver was part of the Horde and honestly they were far more MOTU than anything else in that show. I say she is a great addition.
Shadow Weaver was part of the Horde and honestly they were far more MOTU than anything else in that show. I say she is a great addition.

The Horde was the only reason I watched She-Ra when I was a kid. Heck, the villains were pretty much my only draw for the He-Man, She-Ra, G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Thundercats cartoons. The good guys, by and large, all had boring personalities, and just sat around waiting for the bad guys to make their move. It wasn't until the TMNT cartoon that I had a set of heroes I liked as much as the villains.
Yeah, I'll take POP over NA. The NA cartoon is unwatchable, POP was at least a decent program, even if the original toys were intended for girls. And The Horde is POP. It's as desirable as anything below B-list from the real line IMO.

The truth is that we're pretty far down the line when it comes to the MOTU line. Ram-Man was the final A-lister and Two-Bad is the final MOTU B-lister. In the waning hours of the line, when there isn't anything important left to make from the main line, I don't mind Glimmer or Scorpia. I'd sure take them over the He-Man cowboy or Ninja! LOL

Well, I do want Ninjor badly. He was one of the last MOTU figures I had as a kid!
In my opinion next years sub is a lot stronger than this year or last year overall. The only 2 that I definitely dont want are the PoP pair. I've warmed to Battle Lion after the initial reveal, though I'm probably just going to use the armour and put the kitty in storage. And there are quite a few that look amazing to me, I think I even prefer the NA Skeletor head sculpt to my Alcala version. I might be in the minority here but I really like the NA faction (except Karatti). Definitely glad I subbed for the first time :yess:

Also I really enjoy seeing peoples pics on here too, I find it really interesting to see peoples different displays.

Really??? (Just looking at Club Eternia) I look at this year as far superior than next year, I by no means hate POP or NA figures, but there are a couple of great figures in Two-Bad, Modulok and Blade, a couple of good releases in Extendar, Scorpia, and a bunch of average to below average releases so far. where as this year it's been pretty fantastic with great releases of Ram-Man, Mantenna, Horde Troopers, Jitsu, Fangman, and Octavia, good releases in Snake Face, Lord Dactys, FFM, Clamp Champ, King He-Man, and the rest are mostly average. Now the last 2 are a couple of the worst of the year for me in Geldor and Plundor. But I don't feel 2014 will have the same appeal for me.
I'd like to say, even as someone who digs the girly stuff like Flutterina… I'm not a fan of the wings. I don't know why they are doing them as these thick flat stacked things. They look like they're made from craft foam. In fact craft foam wings would look better. They should be much thinner and sculpted to look like butterfly wings.

They should look veined and a little furry. I love the 4HM but it's like they didn't even bother to research what butterfly wings look like. I get that maybe they're trying to copy the look of her in Filmation but that hasn't stopped them from adding some realism in the past.
The wings are incredibly bland when you think of what they could've done.
ie more interesting shape and be transparent.

You can indeed make a Butterfly lady far more interesting.

Yeah wings like that would have been awesome. Like, I want to like it but the wings look like the opposite of what butterfly wings should look like. They're not light and airy, they're thick and clunky.
Mixing a Girls line with a Boys line,it ONLY worked because of the "forced to buy ALL figures Subscription".The passion of the MOTU fans wanting their MOTU Vintage figures made in Classics is the only reason POP even has the figures to begin with..

Yeah, POP wouldn't get very far on it's own. There are maybe 8-10 characters that would be popular and demanded enough to sell out. Vintage MOTU has a much stronger lineup and is definitely the glue that holds the Classics line together.

The truth is most of us still collecting He-man figures probably never had a single POP figure when we were growing up and maybe never even watched the cartoon. They were targeted for girls and they really didn't fit in with the MOTU line. When you have no nostalgia for these characters, it's hard to get excited about paying $30-35 for highly articulated figures that we never cared for in the first place.
Yeah, POP wouldn't get very far on it's own. There are maybe 8-10 characters that would be popular and demanded enough to sell out. Vintage MOTU has a much stronger lineup and is definitely the glue that holds the Classics line together.

The truth is most of us still collecting He-man figures probably never had a single POP figure when we were growing up and maybe never even watched the cartoon. They were targeted for girls and they really didn't fit in with the MOTU line. When you have no nostalgia for these characters, it's hard to get excited about paying $30-35 for highly articulated figures that we never cared for in the first place.

Nope! It never crossed my mind to collect POP back in the day.Why? because I didn't buy girls toys (not to mention the toys designs are TERRIBLE)..Never watched the cartoon either.I have investigated the POP cartoons on youtube out of curiousity and still don't like it.Trying to add He-Man into it and stealing The Horde away from MOTU and throwing them into POP didn't help either..

My memories are the Horde are in MOTU,they made Toys of the Horde in and for MOTU....POP had no Horde Toys.I could care less if the writers or whoever designed them "intended" the Horde to be in POP......Nostalgia says the Horde belongs in Masters of the Universe

Besides,likely the only reason they created POP was because Mattel wanted to profit from the Girls side of toys.Mattel-"Hey,let's say He-Man has a sister and create a whole line of "Barbie" warrior characters for girls.Then we'll steal the Horde from MOTU and make Hordak She-ra's nemesis"
While some of us will see POP as just what Teemu describes there is no doubting her Pop Culture Icon status.

I know a lot of girls who loved and still love She-Ra.

There is a few very very good POP episodes feature He-Man that are worth checking out.
While some of us will see POP as just what Teemu describes there is no doubting her Pop Culture Icon status.

I know a lot of girls who loved and still love She-Ra.

There is a few very very good POP episodes feature He-Man that are worth checking out.

I don't disagree on She-Ra's "POP Culture" Status,but it's no where near on the plain as He-Man and the Masters was and is.....and that is what the POP fans don't want to admit

they are NOT equal properties
I know they are not but for some they are one in the same and there's no escaping that.

You listen to the podcast, my opinion on POP is well documented. ;)
Yeah like this Entrapa redesign by gbagok on I'd love to have this Entrapa, not so much what we'll probably get.

That's way too 200X style for my tastes...

I'm with Eamon on the design, but they still have to look like the Filmation designs. There's a way to do it better, overall, but that Entrapa design is just too much.
I know they are not but for some they are one in the same and there's no escaping that.

You listen to the podcast, my opinion on POP is well documented. ;)

it's been quite awhile...wasn't sure that even existed anymore