Super Freak
Well, MOTUC is ALl of MOTU, not just He-man and the masters.. Those are ALL STAR.. they're just All star POP.. 2015 is likely going to be the REAL all star year.
Well, MOTUC is ALl of MOTU, not just He-man and the masters.. Those are ALL STAR.. they're just All star POP.. 2015 is likely going to be the REAL all star year.
WE've got.. what..8 Vintage characters left?
4 per year is what I'm exxpecting.
I'm kinda expecting ninjor and rio-blast in 15.
complete troll post...you must be BORED
what are you even talking about? the issue is not 'interpretations'...it's the character choice and who is getting made at this point in time towards the end of this line.You don't even collect these,so bye
I've got Scare Glow.
Can't wait to order Butterfly-Ra![]()
well I am not buying a $30 Mara Figure plus shipping,plus others (new pricing coming in '15) just to get Rio Blast and Ninjor
and if they're sub only?
It wouldn't bother me so much if the POP figures were easy to sell without taking a loss on them..
Madame Razz just took a fully tooled spot from someone more worthy in '14.I am really starting to regret my 2014 subs now when I could of just bought Two-bad somewhere else...and day of sale on the others
I'm out for '15 and my cherry picking begins
VERY late to the game, but I managed to take some new MOTU shots over the last week.
Clamp Champ:
the lesbian nazi hooker abducted by UFO'S could be left in '14- Huntara
it's not an all-star year IMO aswell,it's no different than any other year we've gotten...how many Vintage figures so far? Two-bad,Modulok,Blade,Extendar...I could of easily gotten day of sale and at BBTS..
really hoping Rio Blast comes in '14 now (probably won't happen)..he is the last must have after Lashor
I'll get ninjor and Dragstor day of sale
I'm feeling the same right now, after looking at that list I posted yesterday plus the now reveal of Madame Razz for 2014, I'm starting to really regret getting the sub, especially since I still have Two Bad and Modulok on PO at BBTS for their original prices and NA stuff never goes for a high price on the secondary market.
I get that it was going to be in 'all inclusive' line from the beginning, but half a year full of POP is too much, IMO.
Modulok will have be available day of sale, won't he?
way too much POP and too much NA aswell..I feel like I bought a POP/NA Sub right now with everything that has been revealed all the way up to August..