Masters of the Universe Classics

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Other than She-Ra the only POP figure I've picked up is Swiftwind as I really like the sculpt and paint. Never thought I'd be so happy to have a flying unicorn in my collection!
Every year more and more MOTUC figures are neglected in the paint apps department. Some have plenty, while some don't have enough where it matters. The thing that always bugged me is the lack of equality. Every figure should be given equal treatment when it comes to deco, accessories, sculpting, etc. The blatant cost cutting is all too obvious in the classics line, especially the past few years.

And yet prices keep rising....highly doubt the 2016 sub makes it through.I'd say enough is enough
Hard to say. Unless Mattel is more out of touch than commonly known, they should know after 8 years what MOTU fans want from the classics line. On the other hand, year after year people fall for the usual marketing tactics to sell subs, and the subs always end up going through. The MOTUC line has been like a crack addiction for many people.

If they are smart, they will use the data from their free marketing research ( and make the figures people want. Otherwise, if the character selection is based on what is cheaper to make, and they continue to slack off on deco, it just might fail. Somehow I don't think price will be a factor. We've seen first hand that people will buy anything regardless of price.

After this year I am done, and if anything appeals to me in 2016 I will find it on ebay for the best price I can.
I've noticed the best figures always come out during sub-season. The end of the year and the beginning of the next year. It's not always true but a lot of the best seem to come out in that time period.
Which toys are you talking about?

The female figures definitely. Like Shokoti, her face is just sloppy. Stratos has NO shading. Some figures are just under done, as others have said, while other figures like modulok are so heavily detailed it's hard to believe they come from the same line.
The female figures definitely. Like Shokoti, her face is just sloppy. Stratos has NO shading. Some figures are just under done, as others have said, while other figures like modulok are so heavily detailed it's hard to believe they come from the same line.

I think whenever there are monster characters, the Four Horsemen will go overtime to put in a ton of detail. That's obviously where their hearts lie.
I think the 4H did a great job with most of the MOTUC females as far as sculpting goes. Most of them are based off of cartoons that had a simplistic look, and I think the 4H were just trying to stay true to that look to please the Filmation crowd. I think the latest one (MARA) came out pretty cool, but then Mattel had to dumb her articulation down and the crossed-eyed look on female figures is apparently here to stay.
I think the 4H did a great job with most of the MOTUC females as far as sculpting goes. Most of them are based off of cartoons that had a simplistic look, and I think the 4H were just trying to stay true to that look to please the Filmation crowd. I think the latest one (MARA) came out pretty cool, but then Mattel had to dumb her articulation down and the crossed-eyed look on female figures is apparently here to stay.

there is no excuse for the 'Derp' eyes.They claim these are ALL hand painted too
The female figures definitely. Like Shokoti, her face is just sloppy. Stratos has NO shading. Some figures are just under done, as others have said, while other figures like modulok are so heavily detailed it's hard to believe they come from the same line.

I think Stratos kicks ass!!

Multibot is not part of the POP line but I agree that it needed more paint apps.

There's always room for improvement
I'm still really happy with my collection though!
An insult to the property? That's dumb. It's also not a eff you to the collectors. These are what they make. The reaction figures you see at barnes and Noble and fye and Meijer and lcb and whatnot. They have all the odd ball stuff. I don't see a lot of people lining up to make anythingn motu. So ANY product that brings product and brand awareness is a good thing. If you don't like it don't buy it. But I bet there's people that do.

And there where all kinds of goofy and ugly licensed products in the 80s. Thousands. The super7 figures are more normal with motu then thy would be in any other brand really. I've got hundreds of little motu items from the 80s that look nothing like the classic figures, or the cartoon, or the movie..and when I was a kid I LOVED seeing that stuff.

I can't understand why people get upset by these things. There nothing forcing you to buy it. It wasn't your money used to get the license or make the product. What exactly does this hurt?

I don't know. Are other companies who are doing TF and GIJOE making fruity flavored versions of figures??? Are they making 1970's styled GIJOE figures with less articulation and no paint apps??? Are they making one piece MUSCLE type TF and GIJOE toys???

To my knowledge, Hot Toys and Sideshow are respectable, and don't make lame party favor trinket type garbage that Super7 and Funko make. They at least pay respect to the property by making COOL STUFF.

"especially when those companies are producing goods that they are not in the market to develop themselves."

Oh, you mean like Mattel not being in the market to develop things like Baby Skeletor? *pfft*

And yes...they make those figures from other companies. They have like 100 figures.

Reaction | Funko

As for the "rainbow" colored Giants....every year..EVERY one...there are repainted in rainbow and pink and tons of ugly colors done for shows. It's about time motu final got enough traction that other companies actually care enough with enough interest to make them. If motu had the popularity of transformers or gi joe it would of had this type of stuff years ago. It happened in the 80s when it was popular.

And just becuase you don't like the super7(and funko) toys doesn't make them trash. Unless somehow only you get a say. Transformers, gi Joe, DC comics, marvel, everyone really..they all license out goods that they wouldn't make in house but someone else wants to. Motu has not had anyone interested enough to do any of there stuff, till now. It should be seen as a good thing. Not the end of the world, cry my self to sleep, suck my thumb, code red apocalypse. Not everyone likes what you like.

Here's a few TF and gi Joe licensed goods...

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I think it's cool to see another high end shop's interpretation of He-Man, it's a cool design, but not really for me (I think something like this design would look real cool for a movie).

I've been asking sideshow to do he-man for years. I know its not Classic filmation or toy style..but even if they could (they can't becuase pcs has the license) why would they make it? Pcs has one out in the classics look. Tweeter head has the busts. The 4H did statues and stactions. The market is full of classic styled motu. A more realistic look is the best way to go to attract new buyers. And bring new fans to the property. Again...any new product is a positive for motu.
Now that Street fighter Chun Li figure is Awesome. It looks like an actual vintage style GIJOE figure, complete with accessories, vintage style packaging and sticker. That's what "paying respect" to TWO different properties is all about. If Super7 went the extra mile to do something like that with MOTU, I wouldn't be condemning them, but all they make is one piece party favors and their Reaction toys are the only thing that is slightly good. No paint apps makes them worse. So you've proven to me that other companies are also making crap, but at the same time have proven that other companies are making awesome things too. Thank you.

"And just becuase you don't like the super7(and funko) toys doesn't make them trash. Unless somehow only you get a say. Transformers, gi Joe, DC comics, marvel, everyone really..they all license out goods that they wouldn't make in house but someone else wants to. Motu has not had anyone interested enough to do any of there stuff, till now. It should be seen as a good thing. Not the end of the world, cry my self to sleep, suck my thumb, code red apocalypse. Not everyone likes what you like."

It's called an opinion. You may not like it, but I have a right to it. AND I'm backing it up with facts.

I own the first wave ALIEN Reaction figures. They are cool and I like them, but they ARE garbage. Super7 didn't even try to be creative when they couldn't get some of the original actor's permission to uses their image on the packaging. All the figures have painted heads instead of cast (in flesh tone) heads. Most of the vintage SW heads were cast with painted hair and eyes. The second wave ALIEN figures were even more of a joke. There is another lesser known company out there called ZICA and they made from scratch a handful of Six Million Dollar Man action figures. They were 5 points of articulation just like Reaction figures but the quality is MUCH better. The packaging is better with original artwork. The figures didn't do well but that's because SMDM isn't very huge and ZICA is a very small company. Still, they took pride in the project and made a damn nice product.
"An insult to the property? That's dumb. It's also not a eff you to the collectors. These are what they make. The reaction figures you see at barnes and Noble and fye and Meijer and lcb and whatnot. They have all the odd ball stuff. I don't see a lot of people lining up to make anythingn motu. So ANY product that brings product and brand awareness is a good thing. If you don't like it don't buy it. But I bet there's people that do."

Nope, It's my opinion. Super7 doesn't take PRIDE in their products and only makes low cost items to sell at a huge mark up. They are more in it for the money. The owner of Super7 just recently became a member on everyone's favorite MOTU fan site, obviously because he's pushing his new MOTU products. If he were a real fan who had respect for the property, wouldn't he have been a member a long time ago? Yup.

"And there where all kinds of goofy and ugly licensed products in the 80s. Thousands. The super7 figures are more normal with motu then thy would be in any other brand really. I've got hundreds of little motu items from the 80s that look nothing like the classic figures, or the cartoon, or the movie..and when I was a kid I LOVED seeing that stuff."

...And you hit the nail on the head, congratulations. As stated in previous posts, back in the 80's MOTU was a BOY CHILD'S toy line so having other "goofy" products aimed at kids was reasonable and to be expected. Today, everything is pretty much aimed at ADULT collectors, so they need to stop insulting (some of us) our intelligence with stupid trinket toys.

"I can't understand why people get upset by these things. There nothing forcing you to buy it. It wasn't your money used to get the license or make the product. What exactly does this hurt?"

You can't understand why in the same way people can't understand why Neitlich is hated by so many collectors. So, I won't even try to explain it, because you will NEVER understand.

"If you don't like it don't buy it. But I bet there's people that do."

Cool, now that I have your permission, I will save my money or buy something with greater quality. ;) Oh and, yes. People will buy them, all of them, because zombie collectors usually have deep pockets and have a completeist mentality. They have to have EVRYTHING with the MOTU logo on it, and that is why Super7 stays in business.
On the other hand, year after year people fall for the usual marketing tactics to sell subs, and the subs always end up going through. The MOTUC line has been like a crack addiction for many people.

We've seen first hand that people will buy anything regardless of price.

After this year I am done, and if anything appeals to me in 2016 I will find it on ebay for the best price I can.

So I should count you among the many people who fell for the usual Mattel marketing tactics? I find it funny that you buy figures from this line since you have so much hatred for Scott and you find so many faults with the end product. How many years have you been going against your principled opinion and supporting this line and helping to sign Scott's paycheck?

It's called an opinion. You may not like it, but I have a right to it. AND I'm backing it up with facts.

I own the first wave ALIEN Reaction figures. They are cool and I like them, but they ARE garbage.

The figures are cool and you like them but they are garbage? Do you like garbage? You have vehemently demonstrated your dislike for "lame party favor trinket type garbage" but you still buy this stuff. I don't get it.

I'm done trying to figure you out. Though I do enjoy reading how you present your opinion as a statement of fact and can't accept that others have a different point of view. I guess those of us who disagree with you are just Mattel/Scott/MOTU apologists. That makes it easy for you to explain why we don't agree with you.
The he-man reaction protos are probably a sign of what's to come. I really doubt that Funko/Super7 would go through the trouble of licensing MOTU just for MOTUSCLE/ReAction test shots. I bet we will be seeing carded, painted prototypes really soon.

A couple of years ago, Super7 did release a test-shot two pack (in blue) of the Alien ReAction figures; later that year (or early in the following year), they released series 1.

As for this whole "insult to the property" talk... it's laughable. MOTU is part of the pop culture, not some work of a literary genius.

I love these different interpretations of the property and will surely get a full set of the ReAction MOTUs when they are released.

People need to chill. These are just toys. Toy collecting is supposed to be fun.
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"So I should count you among the many people who fell for the usual Mattel marketing tactics?"

Nope, I didn't buy more subs than I wanted to support a line that was never in any danger to begin with.

"I find it funny that you buy figures from this line since you have so much hatred for Scott and you find so many faults with the end product."

I love the property and have respect for it. The line has many flaws, but not to the point where I will just stop collecting, and I certainly wont let a weasel like Scott ruin it for me.

"How many years have you been going against your principled opinion and supporting this line and helping to sign Scott's paycheck?"

I don't consider myself a supporter. I buy the figures because I can't get them for free, like some shills in the industry.

"The figures are cool and you like them but they are garbage? Do you like garbage? You have vehemently demonstrated your dislike for "lame party favor trinket type garbage" but you still buy this stuff. I don't get it."

I didn't have the luxury to see the ALIEN figures in person before buying them, nor were there any video reviews of them before hand. I took a gamble and had someone buy the early bird kit for me. When the figures arrived, the apparent lack of quality was all too obvious and quite a disappointment.

The trinket type crap I refer to are the MUSCLES and Chia Pet, dollar store type nonsense. Cheap to make and sold for ridiculous prices. Sorry but they ARE all cash grab items. There is no quality in cash grab items aimed at the completist collector.

"I'm done trying to figure you out."

Then stop trying and use the ignore feature. :)

"Though I do enjoy reading how you present your opinion as a statement of fact..."

Most of my posts are opinions unless stated otherwise so, not sure why you are saying this.

"...and can't accept that others have a different point of view."

Quite the contrary, you have yet to present a point of veiw. Instead of trying to find contradictions in what I am typing, why not present some examples of how Super7 ISN'T making garbage, or present some examples of how Scott and Mattel aren't what many of us say they are?

"I guess those of us who disagree with you are just Mattel/Scott/MOTU apologists. That makes it easy for you to explain why we don't agree with you."

Well, If you did explain why you don't agree with me I'd be less inclined to assume you are just an apologist. So far all you've done is white knight toy companies and the scummers who run them. If you disagree with my opinions, explain why with examples instead of being belligerent.

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