I have heard this one before. You say you don't take sides and but given the general overview of whats been said and you dismissing it as half truths is taking a side. The wrong one too I would add.
How so? How exactly is avoiding non-sensical fanboy blabber taking "The Wrong side" exactly?
I am just saying that most people do not know, or even care about the whole fan forum drama, in fact I know A LOT of He-Man fans that don't even post on forums at all. The fact that some people that were part of all this even dare to suggest that WE as fans HAVE to take a side is as ridiculous as it is useless.
A private matter that was decided to be made public with no other purpose than to feed ego and power trips. There really is NO benefit to the fans whatsoever from it, in fact, it divided the opinions of some fans and there's the constant need for antagonizing each other for whatever reason.
It's like Democrats and Republicans... I'm here to enjoy MOTU, and I can enjoy it wherever I can, be it He-Man World, Matty forums, He-Man.org or here!
You also know that it's not an isolated incident yet you still feel there is doubt. Was me getting booted from the HM.org podcast a half truth then or is me not a part of that website when I was a major one (I helped build it. Emiliano did way more) just a half truth? Not to mention the many stories of censorship, heavy editing, long term members leaving etc. smoke means fire and all that jazz dude.
If smoke means fire, then I'm pretty sure certain things didn't just happen randomly... it sucks that it happened, but there might be a reason behind it, that at least I do not know... it sucks because I enjoyed the podcast a lot, and I am sure in your case it's way worse because you considered some of these guys your friends.
From what I saw it was a crappy move, and very sudden. I like chatting with you and seeing your work, and your opinion matters. But again,
you cannot and should not ask fans to take YOUR side, that's what I am saying. Same with Emiliano...
I understand that folks don't care for drama and you have heard little if anything from me on this topic but given the history of this thread and people on here, that drama ship has long sailed. There's plenty of drama talk here already. Feels selective when you try to clamp down like that.
I agree about the drama here, but I actually don't like it overall, it might feel that I am being selective because there's a few people here that are constantly bringing it up... but believe me, I find it as silly as "crotch-gate" or "bios-gate"...
I don't wish the continue with this conversation, I didn't want to have it. I don't do dirty laundry but given I was personally effected too along with others I could mention, (not just emiliano) I am going to take exception to your so called "neutrality".
It's OK dude, we don't have to agree on this, again, my whole point always has been the silliness of asking fans to take sides on something that's a private matter and should've been treated as so. And furthermore, it's totally irrelevant to MOTU itself!

Unless a moderator feels otherwise, I say let folks discuss what they wish.
This thread is mostly left on it's own, mod won't come here unless there's a riot...
I'm a big NA fan, myself. Not so much of the cartoon, but I really liked the figures and the mini-comics, after getting over the shock in-store of how different they were. I was really into Star Trek TNG at the time, so it was good timing, bring He-man into space, for me. The 4H have really done wonders with the figures. I love the NA She-Ra figure, too. It makes me wish we could see a NA Man-At-Arms and Teela. But, first I definitely want to get to the figures from the line. Hoove is definitely up there for me. So is Kayo, as he was a pretty major character in the mini-comics.
I'd also REALLY like an NA Sorceress (comic version) some day. One of the few customs I've ever attempted in my life was an NA Sorceress. She was made to fit in with the vintage line. (My sculpting was marginally better than my painting.)
I like the concept dude!!

Update pics on my Stratos custom. Painting the white monkey face this afternoon.
I like it!!