Max Payne 3

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This game had potential but the ridiculously long unskippable preloading cut-scenes killed it.
Not a big fan of R* games... Did enjoy MP3 and completed it this weekend. Not even going to try any of the harder levels, medium had me frustrated to no end!!
Heh, I guess players have gotten too comfortable with regenerating health bars over the last few years.
Everyone has complained about how much this game kicked their @ss
This game had potential but the ridiculously long unskippable preloading cut-scenes killed it.

The long cut scenes were what made the game for me.
A lot of the in game mechanics were average, but it all felt like I was watching a season of Breaking Bad or Shield or something...
I was just coming here to post this blitzout haha.

To add to that I will also be giving accessorie sets to the first 20 who are involved with this project. More detail is on the first page of the thread.
Have you guys seen the max payne statue made by triforce on show at SDCC? I think its 9"
Reviving a dead thread lol.

Anyone play it lately? I was planning on this weekend giving story mode a try since IMO was the best game of the year. I'm still praying R* gives us a hint at a sequel.

I decided to throw together a quick sketch of Max.

I was stuck for ages on my second playthrough on hard and just could not get past this area, managed it the other day though :yess:

Yes I just beat this game on Hard myself and got stuck in many areas...this is without a doubt an amazing game and for me easily the best game for 2012.

I think I will go for a third play through of this on normal mode just to enjoy it all over again. :)
so what is it about this game, that it's hard even on Normal Difficulty?

No on Normal difficulty to me the game is just right...but on hard I died many many times...but still enjoyed the Heck out of it...then again after beating this game on Hard...Normal might feel too easy now. Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I pop it in and play this game again.
just picked up the game

finished 2 chapters and onto the third, the story so far is Amazing, but the whole Drunk/drugged vision kinda hurts my eyes as well

i'll carry on playing now :D

Dang tried to get this on black friday for super cheap but was unsuccessful. Maybe at Christmas time.
Just Finished Playing Max Payne 3

It Took me Two days to finish, it's really Short.

all i can say is it's Brutal!