abstractharmony said:Ok. Just to put my oar in here.
It's apparent that the price of the SSC figures has gone up and whilst we can all say 'yeah but it's a generic GI Joe figure' the fact remains that we don't know what production costs SSC were swallowing to start with on this line in order to keep the price down.
The medicom/SSC argument is for another place but the bottom line is that even with the IMO small increase in price, these products are still 50% cheaper than a medicom.
SSC are a business, businesses have to make profit, the license WILL be an expensive one for them because they will not only have the 'rent' to Hasbro but also the Lucasfilm dinero to find.
I'm paying about £35.00 per figure via Forbidden Planet and, quite honestly, given the overall quality fo the figures in this line I am more than happy to pay this.
It all comes back though to what you can afford to pay and I understand the slight frustration with the percieved increase but realistically we're talking an extra $10.00 (£5.00) per month. Look at it this way, instead of getting the extra big burger and fries, just get a medium sized one and put the money saved to your SW figs.
If the pieces are too expensive for you at $60.00 may I respectfully suggest that you stop collecting this line now.
I'd love to collect the PF's. I have Luke and Han but then I realised that I couldn't afford to get this line so guess what? I stopped. Yes I'd LOVE to have them and they are amzing figures but they are too expensive and I simply can't afford them.
BUT...I will get a Luke Bespin PF (If ever announced) even though it is expensive because it's the piece that defines the character for me and the trilogy in general.
My point? If they are too expensive then pick and choose.
But if there is a price increase then unless you know what SSC are paying per barrel for oil etc. then really you can't scream and rail and them for increasing the price by $10.00. and at the end of the day - if they have done it to make a little more profit then good luck to them. They deserve it.
Very good points. There are simply too many factros involved to just say SS is raising prices to raise prices. The first point made though is a really good one IMO that we have no idea how much money SS was losing at the start of the line to keep the prices around $50. If they are now trying to make some of it back. Then cool. I don't blame them nor should anyone. I'm not trying to be a dick here but Abstrac is right if $60 is too much for ya then maybe you need to be more choosy.