Lets put this to rest. If John McCain belonged to a church and the reverand of this church is caught on tape 2 times calling black people the N word and saying how the black race is ruining this country. And this preacher had another preacher come to his church and preach the same kind of rhetoric. And this same teacher taught the teachings of the Aryan brotherhood. Now John, he considers this preacher his spiritual advisor and leader. Johns been going to this church for 20 years, in fact he was married by him. Are you saying that none of this rubbed off on John.
Do you pay attention in these threads, or do you just look for something you can claw into in hopes of winning a rhetorical victory? Because I've said point blank multiple times I do not hold McCain and Palin's extremist friends and spiritual leaders against them.
hoodonit00 said:We've been trying to get him to come up with something for 50 pages and he hasn't yet
Nonsense. You asked how my life had been impacted and I listed three rights I no longer have. Just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean I didn't give you one. You're obviously just interested in scoring points as you've constantly run from addressing the valid point that if you think losing rights aren't important you should be fine with doing away with the Bill of Rights. But you want to have your cake and eat it, too.