You are playing with words again. This is at least the third time in this thread. He is asking YOU what you have lost.
I used to have a 4th Amendment. Now I don't.
I used to have a 5th Amendment. Now I don't.
I used to have a 6th Amendment. Now I don't.
That's not playing with words. That's telling you three things I had eight years ago and which I don't have now. You might not agree rights are important but denying I've answered the question is transparent posturing. However I must confess it's interesting to see self-proclaimed conservatives be so cavalier about the piecemeal dismantling of the Bill of Rights. Quite a change from the Clinton years!

Like telling me I haven't read the 2nd Ammendment because I understand that arms means guns.
The 2nd Amendment means whatever the Supreme Court decides it means. But it doesn't actually say firearms and it certainly doesn't say assault weapons.
You're hilarious. What's the difference between that and Obama taking money from the oil companies and distributing it to the lower class.
I'm not pretending to be a free market capitalist opposed to government interference in the market.
No, but drilling our own oil will be cheaper then importing it from the middle east.
There's no reason to believe this. Without federal intervention there's nothing to prevent domestic drillers from selling their oil overseas at market prices, and what Republican is going to agree to the government telling a private business how and where to sell their wares?