McCain supporter attacked at ATM machine, letter "B" carved into face.
There are some real scumbags out there.
The wave of vandalism targeting supporters of presidential candidate John McCain isn’t just limited to South Carolina, as we experienced last weekend when thugs sprayed graffiti all over the York County GOP headquarters, nor is it limited to Republicans.
At some point during the wee hours of the morning, supporters of opponent Barack Obama attacked a private home in Prince George’s County, Md., defacing the house, an RV, a truck cover, and a two foot by eight foot yard sign. Apparently, the home owner was a registered Democrat and the local Obama fans were none to pleased with his decision to back McCain.
While the Democrat-leaning media continues to scare undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain supporter whom nobody has seen, here is a real district attorney’s complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: “Defendant grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was attached to it, and then struck informant in informant’s face thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to informant’s face and further causing informant to sustain substantial pain.”
The overly formal document doesn’t mention this important detail: the victim was a small, quiet, middle-aged woman wearing glasses, and the attacker was a loud, angry man who went into orbit at the mere sight of McCain campaign signs.
On a Monday afternoon, September 15, 2008, three McCain volunteers were holding campaign signs and distributing leaflets on a busy corner of 51st Street and Lexington Avenue. As they were peacefully talking to each other, they were approached by a man who, in the words of the victim, provided the impression of “a rather benign, doughy-looking guy — not a person I would have expected to assault me.”
He rushed towards them, grabbed a McCain sign off a volunteer’s hands, and tore it apart. That didn’t seem enough.
This is how the victim describes it:
I said, “What are you doing? You can’t do that!” And he was red in the face screaming, “You people are ridiculous!” And I said, “Yeah, whatever, but you can’t do that.”
So I reached for the sign that he ripped up, and he grabbed another sign, broke it, and ripped it to shreds. And when I said, “You can’t do that,” he took the stick from the sign and started beating me on the head with it. He broke the skin on my head, he scratched my wrist, and almost broke my glasses, and then he left.
I followed him down the stairs to the subway until I could get the police and I said, “You’re not going to get away with it.” And as soon as he saw the police he immediately went calm. He still had the stick in his hand, and you could see the injury on my face, and he admitted it. He was arrested. He actually said, “I don’t know why I did this. It’s just those signs, and this election, it has me so upset.”
In an act of vandalism that was almost certainly politically-motivated, anonymous thugs struck the York County Republican Party’s Rock Hill headquarters overnight causing roughly $500 in damages.
“Republican means slavery” was written with on the office’s outside door, while a banner in front of the building was tagged with a few illegible scribbles and presidential nominee John McCain’s eyes were whited-out. Party officials also estimated that more than 40 yard signs had been stolen.
“This was just a move of intimidation,” said Joe St. John, Catawba Regional Director for Victory. “As we all know, the Republicans actually abolished slavery.”
This story is probably BS> Who refuses medical help and coincidentally it happened just outside of the view of the security cameras.... pulease.
The assailant was also BLACK and 6 foot 4! ! Hello!!!
I'll bring up again how innocent this may seem, but I had an Obama supporter (wore a pin) actually come to my house to ask who I was voting for. Innocent enough, until they started writing my address down.
"Ma'am which one of these people attacked you?"
"ALL OF THEM!!!!! They are all 6 feet 4 inches and out to corrupt my way of life!!!!!"
I'll bring up again how innocent this may seem, but I had an Obama supporter (wore a pin) actually come to my house to ask who I was voting for. Innocent enough, until they started writing my address down.
Some nasty a good way... girls in Canada.some nasty people in america....