Super Freak
To little to late. Mattel would have screwed it up during production and wanted $30 for it anyway.
It’s a shame those Batman figures never saw the day. I love the removed cowl accessory that goes around his neck.
Maybe Gentle Giant can somehow scoop the license after Todd’s deal expires in three years, if DC doesn’t renew with him.
I meant she?s the last for the original Nightmare Batmen.
I?d rather have this guy before Barbatos.
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Thanks. I believe the current price sets up a lot of new collectors, I just hope they don't do a price increment any time soon.
I still think Mcfarlane is such a good fit for the Dark Night: Metals line as they originate as a manufacturer of horror action figures.
So, Todd is making figures based of off Last Knight on Earth now. Wonder Woman, Scarecrow, Omega and Batman in his Arkham straight jacket. The build a figure is Bane. Can we please get one normal Batman figure in his Capullo designed costume in this group? In Capullo’s style with the purple/grey cape lining and the yellow outlined Bat symbol? We never got that figure from DC Direct even after all the Capullo stuff they churned out and it still bugs me. And McFarlane messed up the one coming in the Dark Knights:Metal line. He has a tattered, crappy cape without the purple gray lining and a bunch of added kibble armor for no apparent reason. Why was that added?
It’s a shame those Batman figures never saw the day. I love the removed cowl accessory that goes around his neck.
Maybe Gentle Giant can somehow scoop the license after Todd’s deal expires in three years, if DC doesn’t renew with him.
No, it wasn?t like that in either story, I read them. I think McFarlane just wanted to add his flair?Probably because that was in the comic? I haven't read the story. But as you can see. McFarlane has been giving us brand new molds for most of the DC Multiverse. From a business stand point, this won't be as profitable as Hasbro's Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics/ DC Multiverse from Mattel sharing the same buck system. So this is the way to control cost. You can make slight variants or repaints of 1 figure and make a different product.
So you can a Batman with a torn cape and armor pieces. And there will be a brand new figure with a regular cape, new parts with no armor and probably a different head sculpt.
So David Vonner who worked on the Marvel Universe figures has shown off on his instagram, prototypes of Batman he was working on for Mattel.
It looks like this would of been the equivalent of Marvel Legends for DC. A shame that Mattel had the license that whole time and they finally wait until the end to get something like this started and then lose the license and are unable to release it.
I'm really impressed with Mcfarlane so far, I have yet to see a reused mold other than the variants.
Newly sculpted products at $20 a pop, which other manufacturers do you see are doing this?
I'm so glad the rights went to them, they've been doing a really impressive job with their licenses.
So much Batman and Metal.
But deep down I think Todd just wants to make monster toys, so Metal and stuff like Last Knight lends itself to that.
I have to agree.
I was upset at first.
Then changing the game with the scale... again.
But I have to say that I am very happy (though my wallet is not).
But the overall articulation is great, the individual sculpts is a god-send and with the focus, they were asked to go with, I would say they are providing variety and choices.
And at $20 average price and wide distribution overall, I am happy with this change for sure.