What sucks is that Mattel had just learned how to make good 6" Multiverse figures. Todd is still using the old practice of adding articulation to statues to this day, and when he doesn't the figures look like each piece was made individually with no regard to how the full figure looks. Wonder Woman is so lanky, even compared to Gadot.
The scale sucks too. They don't look good next to a single thing in my collection, and they barely look good next to each other since they made BTAS Harley the same height as BTAS Batman.
Todd will have to modernize how he's been making figures for years if he doesn't want this line to fail - and it seems like he's way too stubborn to judging by that interview with one of the designers for this line. The current lineup with the animated figures is already pegwarming here.
I just want a nice stream of affordable DC figures without having to pay $100 a piece for MAFEX, even though they look very much worth it - especially their new Hush stuff.