My Daryl with bike set came in from Amazon, and it's pretty nice. Like last time the bike is really well detailed but I like the design more so subjectively it's nicer. Daryl is also a lot nicer this time around and the likeness is much better, even if it's still not perfect (which isn't helped by the 7" Daryl being just about perfect). Oddly enough the facial hair and eyebrows are painted grey. It's not that bad on the eyebrows and beard, but I painted the mustache area brown since it looked too weird. Not too many serious problems, the first being that you can't get him convincing on the bike, which seems to be mostly due to the fact that the handlebars are so low. The other is that it's difficult to get him holding the crossbow in two hands because the elbows are pretty limited. Overall it's a nice set and I'm glad we're still getting some 5" TV figures, even if they're far and few between.
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