I found that I had to use the HT Fett helmet as the starting point. For the body and proportions HT used, it doesn??[emoji769]t fit right. Stripping the figure down, it looked as though it should not even be able to support the weight. He??[emoji769]d be Boba Falls over a lot. Regardless of the accurate and inaccurate details of the helmet, unless you??[emoji769]re looking at it the right way, it can look oddly clunky because of the disproportions.
A few attempts told me I needed to,
A. Keep the shoulders close to the body.
B. Add height to the waist. NOTE: I have since removed the heightened waist joint as I think it ultimately looked better without.
C. Shorten the ankles. The HT feet add too much height to the overall leg, because of the inside joint socket. Rather than mod, you can use SSC Fett feet with small ball joints instead.
D. Add a little width to the chest/ribs.
-HT TrueType chest (old).
-HT Batman 89 neck, bottom shaved (you can use the Fett neck. I used it for my prepro figure.
-Medicom arms. You have to dremel in the sides of the chest so the Medi shoulder joints can fully swivel. If you have the old TrueType shoulder joints, you can just attach the Medi arms to them, no fuss.
-HT TrueType or Fett waist with inner joint modified about 1/4” taller.
-HT Vader ANH groin and thighs (remove rubber groin).
-HT TrueType shins, shortened.
Probably there strangest body I??[emoji769]ve put together. I usually favor trying to get the figure shape right without padding.
-Marmit shortened stalk.
-HT view piece.
Wookiee Scalps:
HT scalps are excellent, but I wanted them a little thinner and older looking.
-Kenner vintage Wookiee scalps modified, with HT silver scalp added for HT ROTJ Fett (weathered). Tips added or frayed and tied off where needed.
-Marmit right gauntlet, Hasbro Fett 30th hose attachment, clear shrink tube (put around textured string, shrink, pull out string. This adds texture. Put in picture hanging wire if you want it to bend and stay or put in thin thread or string.
Painted more details and weathering.
-Marmit left gauntlet, with HT rocket and flamethrower. Painted details/weathering.
-Marmit with Medi Darth Maul joints. Glove sleeves added with trim you can find in craft or sewing dept.
Medicom/SSC hybrid. HT blaster is really nice, but seemed to thin in the barrel (to me). The custom appears to have more heft to it.
-SSC handle, stock and scope.
-Medi barrel with chrome contact paper. Painted/weathered.
-custom strap.
-Medi pouches, recolored. I like to mix the right color with acrylic and apply to the material after it??[emoji769]s soaked. Dry and then hand wash it with mild soap.
-Added Jetpack belt from ROTJ Fett.
-Just weathered up the shins and sleeves a bit and add a little stuffing in neck collar (I think I did the neck thing after I took pic..,it??[emoji769]s subtle.
I think this improves the overall look of the figure and it keeps the Helmet from looking wonky at different angles because of the proportions. I do wish the flack vest and armor were just a tad bigger. Anywho...