Yes, I'm making a display case. Here in Brazil we don't have shops like IKEA that offer products similar to the Detolfs for reasonable prices, so either you buy small and extremely overpriced display cabinets (over $1000 for a 5'5" tall cabinet) or you make your own. OR you buy a simpler one, which albeit overpriced is heaps more affordable than a stock glass cabinet, and modify it to suit your needs (I did this once, I'll post an old picture of how it ended up). My new cabinet did cost me a lot, but it's huge and I was able to get it built to specification, so I'm happy with how it's turning out!
About the cape, yeah, it's possible to achieve quite a lot of poses with it but when you just want your figure to stand still it's a nightmare to get it to look right! So we agree 100% on this one.
My custom cape was done by fellow boardie Ilforigno and it costs about $25 shipped. It's the third cape I order from him and he's a great guy to deal with. (the others were a long cape for my OC Batman and a caope for my SS Ep. IV Vader).
Here's a pic of my old, "custom" display cabinet circa March 2010:
(Note it's nowhere big enough to fit in my collection, so I had to keep swapping the pieces on display):