Medicom finally pulls off a good sculpt.

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Yeah if he nailed this guy:


Okay. I renege. No need for a poll. Medicom can't sculpt a turd and make it look like crap. :lol
I recognized him as Sutherland, just because it looks about as bad as the otehr Medicom 24 figures. But surprisingly this thing is still a Michelangelo compared to that DST hunk o' turd.
Neo is my favorite medi so far. Jango looks amazing (that headsculpt is what got me to order him instead of just getting Boba) but I also agree that it's premature to judge until it's in-hand.

One thing that really does hurt their headsculpts is the lack of paint. The Jackman is excellent, but you can't really tell until someone treats it right. I think by now its a stylistic choice and Medicom isn't going to change. But I think it would definitely up the quality of their figures and show of some of the great work they've done better.
One thing that really does hurt their headsculpts is the lack of paint. The Jackman is excellent, but you can't really tell until someone treats it right. I think by now its a stylistic choice and Medicom isn't going to change. But I think it would definitely up the quality of their figures and show of some of the great work they've done better.

congratulations :cool::monkey5
I second that huh. But anyways, the Neo sculpt is good and I completely agree with galactiboy on the paint issue. The Parker figure is gonna be the same way. Jango however appears to be just fine in that area but we'll see.
That Yoda is a gem. I've been through so much Star Wars merch in my life, but that is truly a standout piece.
It's funny.... as soon as I looked at the pic, I got that it was Kiefer, something does immediately hit you about him... they've got something right, but I'm not sure what. Because as soon as you look at it for more than half a second... it starts to not look like him.

Might be good with a repaint... hard to tell. I think they've partly got it right.

As for Medicom, most of their stuff is hurt by the (lack of) paint. Everything just looks so bare plastic.... so... Action man from the 70's. They need to paint their heads, because their sculpts are often better than people realise, exactly because of this paint issue.



....why can't they do that themselves? They'd get so much more applause and acclaim for their figures than they already do.
They've done plenty of goodies from Medi, Wolverine was cool, dark Pete Parker is nice work, Jango looks amazing, but here are a few of my old faves-

Medicom Trinity-
Medicom Neo-
Medicom Andy Warhol-
Medicom Vader ROTS-
Medicom VCD Yoda-

And just to cheer you all up, and let you say Haaaaaa! but look how they droped the ball on that-

Medicom Luke Skywalker

Sure, there's some Malcolm McDowell and not enough Hamill, but there's more Hamill than in the SST SDCC exc ceremony Luke. Best 1/6 Hamill so far is the first SST Jedi Luke IMHO.

And I also have to say the Medicom Hopkins from Silence of the Lambs looks truly awful!

I have no agenda, as far as I'm concerned when SST came along with the first Karloff ,Frankensteins monster they blew most competition out of the water, but then I got The two Medi Matrix figures and the sculpts, but more importantly the incrediable tailoring and RAH bodies raised the bar. Now Hot Toys are sprinting ahead of both. I also love Enterbays stuff but the price point kind of takes them to a level where if it wasn't virtually perfect they'd be out of business.
What we need is Medi articulation (but less fragile), Hot Toys tailoring, accessories and vision and SST's pricing ( I can dream). A special mention has to go out to DiD, Takara, Dragon etc, etc it could be a much longer list but as far as fanboy stuff goes they don't seem to bring out quite as much volume as the others.
As far as facial sculpting goes I think all of the above have given us some outstanding work, and some that has been less than spectacular. Each job on it's merits is my perspective