hope they make a testou so i can pose kenega trying to shoot tetso in the finale battle.
Do you mean Kaneda or Kenny Ortega?! Just checking
hope they make a testou so i can pose kenega trying to shoot tetso in the finale battle.
Who the hell is that behind Kaneda? Is that Kevin Spacey
Wow, this is just an amazing looking figure.posted by takeshi on toy-world
Slap some blood on him and it could be from Seven too.
Kaneda looks fantastic btw.
Who the hell is that behind Kaneda? Is that Kevin Spacey
Man, can't wait to get him!!!!
from the same show. kaneda's bike looks like its got the decals.
Who you buying from mate? I'm going with Wai Man over at onesixbruce...
I should think I will be too bud. Unfortunately the bike is slipping further and further out of my budget though.