Universal MODster
...Medicom must earn money after all...
Rei and Asuka figures are like printing money!
...Medicom must earn money after all...
Thanks again Weapon X for posting all these! It's getting better and better with every new video!
DB, No need to thank me. I'm just having big fun with this subject matter. Let's all have some fun. Don't forget to have some 'fun' today!
Kenmoo2005 (YouTube), Awesome display test of the audio and light systems. Many Thanks to You for sharing!
One FlexPay payment to go!!!
Do it
I've got the Akira Blu-ray coming tomorrow. I haven't seen the movie in years, so I'm going to see how I feel after watching it. I'm easily influenced, so...
Ahh ahhah yea once you watch it and here the music and see how nice it looks on Blu-Ray, its a done deal