Super Freak
Check out this video of Dave Prowse suiting up, you can really see his height and bulk:
Got myself a new BS Vader today. I put the Mafex cape on him and he looks the business. Once you take the Mafex head off, the cape pegs into 2 small holes either side of the neck. The neck hole on the BS is just big enough for you to stuff the pegs in and put the head back on, and you don't lose movement. The saber blade on my BS was bent, but, I found that the Mafex blade slotted in just nicely! So, I now have a Vader that I'm fully happy with, and it's thanks to Hasbro, I know! (The weather is too crappy for my camera to take any decent pics, we'll see tomorrow.)
Excellent pictures, imo he looks fantastic. Much better than the OG Vader. Despite all the criticism, your pics just sold me on him lol
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I'm not sure what the appeal is of the Black Series Vader looking at this comparison:[...]
I particularly love these shots/poses man! And yeah if you're coming from 1/6th quality I can understand your position more I guess. But I don't see much reason to be disappointed. Still amazed how much I like the red lenses. (I never did before.) Also looking forward to mod in a fabric skirt, that will probably help a bit as well.
Cool posted pics of mine using your formula on the Black Series thread.
I particularly love these shots/poses man! And yeah if you're coming from 1/6th quality I can understand your position more I guess. But I don't see much reason to be disappointed. Still amazed how much I like the red lenses. (I never did before.) Also looking forward to mod in a fabric skirt, that will probably help a bit as well.
(Btw the crotch piece look is actually accurate to R1, even though it's my biggest gripe with the look.)
I've already bought him and this just made me stoked even more, was kinda shocked when I read the accompanying comments. I think the proportions are better than the 40th I think neither are perfect, so if I have to take a compromise, I'll go with the one with better aesthetic quality and a more stylistic look like you'd see in fanart. 40th bs looks too toyish still to me, the chestbox size and how well fat he looks in particular really catches my eye in a negative way. I keep looking at pics of darth vader in all movies, I'm sorry I just see the R1 mafex as coming closer, I don't find the BS 40th helmet proportions satisfactory to the body, I know people keep saying vader's helmet is huge, but the 40ths still seems too huge to me, I'd rather have a slimmer more elegant compromise if nothing looks like it nails it perfectly. Also, cloth capes never drape well, not truly in a scale below 8". I'd rather have this because the wire and a flow even if it's slight, tends to look better to me. I love how the cape looks falling over the shoulders in these pics. Haven't seen that in any 40th BS vader.
So yeah maybe I'll be disappointed irl, idk, but these pics just made me more psyched. (So thanks for them either way.)
Your great pictures didn't really help your case
I have the first ROTJ version and it does have a lanky appearance. I wish they increased the thickness on the RO version, as even Kylo Ren has bigger arms than the Vader figures. But the helmet looks so much better this time around.
I particularly love these shots/poses man! And yeah if you're coming from 1/6th quality I can understand your position more I guess. But I don't see much reason to be disappointed. Still amazed how much I like the red lenses. (I never did before.) Also looking forward to mod in a fabric skirt, that will probably help a bit as well.
(Btw the crotch piece look is actually accurate to R1, even though it's my biggest gripe with the look.)
Yes great pics, and to make those of you feel a little better about this Mafex figure here's something from a Rogue One featurette.
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Well, they forgot that Obi-wan needed to obtain Anakin's light saber in ROTS so he could give it to Luke in ANH. Seriously, listen to the ROTS commentary. The shot of kenobi picking up the saber was a pickup done months later. Because they forgot.
The people who make these films and are in charge of things like continuity, costume design, etc are often not obsessive fans of the material critical of every detail the way we nerds on the internet are.
Well, they forgot that Obi-wan needed to obtain Anakin's light saber in ROTS so he could give it to Luke in ANH. Seriously, listen to the ROTS commentary. The shot of kenobi picking up the saber was a pickup done months later. Because they forgot..