Medicom Tetsuo

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The robot are looks good, but the rest looks a bit cheap for what they will charge.

The rest looks cheap? How? To me it looks like a very faithful recreation of Tetsuo's very simple outfit in the film. The cape is tattered, the boots are weathered, don't know what else you'd want. Price is one thing, but I don't think the figure looks 'cheap'.

The curio in this is the normal arm that is hidden by the cape. I hope Medicom did the joints in a less obtrusive and obvious manner.
The rest looks cheap? How? To me it looks like a very faithful recreation of Tetsuo's very simple outfit in the film. The cape is tattered, the boots are weathered, don't know what else you'd want. Price is one thing, but I don't think the figure looks 'cheap'.

The curio in this is the normal arm that is hidden by the cape. I hope Medicom did the joints in a less obtrusive and obvious manner.

I would say unlikely going by the abrupt cut off between the wrist area and the hand on the normal arm
I would say unlikely going by the abrupt cut off between the wrist area and the hand on the normal arm

True, but his cape can obscure the joints easily if you're worried about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tetsuo is a bit cheaper that Keneda. (Medi counting on people wanting to get the bike too & inflating the price for moar profits). But, that said, I would also not be surprised if he sold for 200 as well...
Looks fantastic! Have had Kaneda and the bike POd since last year and will definitely be picking up this perfect companion piece. Would love to see an alternate mutated arm as that aspect of the 1/12 McFarlane piece was by far it's best trait. Anyway will be getting Tetsuo regardless.

And to chime in on the nebulous nature of Akira's plot, I second the notion of picking up the manga. It's been collected in six large trade paperbacks published by Dark Horse and does much to elaborate on the anime which really amounts to just a fraction of the epic that is Akira. Still, both the anime and it's bound source material stand as one of the most timeless, visceral and groundbreaking paradigms of science fiction ever conceived. Buy the figures if you dig them, I know I am, but if you haven't fully experienced where they came from, you owe to yourself to do so.
Medicom still rules when it comes to anime figures! Although, based on the Appleseed figures, if Hot Toys ever decides to really go after the anime licenses, I think they would give Medicom a run for the money.
A really nice surprise he has a second sculpt.

Looks better than the 'neutral' one to me. Spot on, like he just flew off the screen.

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