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I bought a few of them up because of how accurate they are to the operator. I will call the wife today and have her see if I have an extra.
Ninja looks awesome in his little pink tomb!


Also, i got 2 boxes in the mail, i think i know what they are! 2 variant figures.
i am so confused..............kiva what happened?

heres white raiden installed in my cabinet with the other stuff in there. i know, not a very cool pose but i think i like him all static and ****.

Not much happened, theres a website based in the UK which supplies some hot toys, 3a ect. Ive never used it, but i have heard of it. They are offering the 3a ray ( all though on pre order ) the cheapest possible method for us in the uk to get it. However i sent 4 messages of inquiry about it over the course of 2 weeks, i got no reply. I messaged twice on twitter to their account. No reply (despite them being active and posting ). I messaged a guy on here, who either works for them, is affiliated, or flat out IS one of them and i got no reply despite them being active. I added it to basket, partially checked it out and then cancelled. Because you can " add note " to the order to get a reply from them. No reply. Since then i sent a further 2 emails to their " contact us " email adress that i sent the other 4 to with no reply.

I'd be more than willing to help out if you wish mate if you would like to email me the message you want sending?
I know they get a ridiculous amount of emails and messages and with a few HUGE orders coming in the past week or so they will be mega busy.
Wai Man is a top bloke, order with out any worries whatsoever. Salt of the earth.
I have a few things on order with OSB and it's true they don't have good comms but I'm not that worried

I'm just waiting until it comes into stock there, i doubt the pre-orders for it are going to sell out to be fair
Yeah, im waiting for the writing to turn blue on the item too so i know its in. But before i order i always like to atleast send a generic question so atleast ive opened a line of communication. :-/
I'd be more than willing to help out if you wish mate if you would like to email me the message you want sending?
I know they get a ridiculous amount of emails and messages and with a few HUGE orders coming in the past week or so they will be mega busy.
Wai Man is a top bloke, order with out any worries whatsoever. Salt of the earth.
See, ive heard positives from multiple places about OSB and Waiman. I've always pictured in my mind the kind of reply id get if i was to ever message them. But my messages span back 5 weeks to as recent as 3 days ago which is why im a bit miffed. My " venting " was just me giving up on my efforts. If its in stock, ill purchase but im done with actually messaging.

Thanks for offering to middle man though
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Yeah, im waiting for the writing to turn blue on the item too so i know its in. But before i order i always like to atleast send a generic question so atleast ive opened a line of communication. :-/
See, ive heard positives from multiple places about OSB and Waiman. I've always pictured in my mind the kind of reply id get if i was to ever message them. But my messages span back 5 weeks to as recent as 3 days ago which is why im a bit miffed. My " venting " was just me giving up on my efforts. If its in stock, ill purchase but im done with actually messaging.

Thanks for offering to middle man though

He's going to check mate when he gets in the office.