Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Do you feel it's safe standing and leaning on something? I may do that myself, that pose is too sick.

Also guys that OldSnake sculpt is fantastic! Great custom
I was scared about it Zombie, but it feels strong enough to stand with no problem. It would require me making it fall over, it wouldn't on it's own.
Got some keychains.

I cut old bbs ankles down and gave him brown shoes. He didnt have black ones. His stance is much better and now his pants fit perfect.


He had a black tie and i got black gloved hands on the way. His head is almost ready for paint. Just need the other items first.
Nice! although i wouldn't have cut down the pegs personally as it makes the jacket too long and he looks too short now. The arms looks disproportionate to the rest of his body. Can you not pull the trousers down further?

Your'e right that he has dark brown shoes and a black tie. The shirt he wears isn't tan either it's olive green
i think the jacket is a little too long. the pants make it so they had to be sagged. i folded it up under itself and it looked perfect to your picture. im going to thr fabric shop today to get the iron on stuff to bring the jacket up. ill post another pic later on.
I used safety pins to bring it up so you can see. Those other black shoes looked like clown shoes on him before too even with the longer legs. I only took about 3/8" off them too.

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Nice man! Yeah he's got ratchet legs doesn't he? I haven't messed with mine in so long I've forgotten. I almost wish they stayed with ball sockets for PAK.
Nice man! Yeah he's got ratchet legs doesn't he? I haven't messed with mine in so long I've forgotten. I almost wish they stayed with ball sockets for PAK.

I don't think solidus has ratchet joints.

I'm honestly really happy that they switched to ratcheting joints. The ball joints were way too loose for most of the PAKs.
My hips on him are fine it's the ab crunch. The weight of the arms coupled with the loose ab pivot mean mine leans ever so slightly back and if i try move his upper body forward it drops back
Nah did he balls

I have all my PAK on HT stands now. I used to be strictly no stand for all my collectibles but then i liked how all my collection looked with uniform stands so i've been putting them all on HT stands since

Costs a fortune though, i need to back and buy some more for the HT DX releases that all have the square dio stands. I wish they would include a normal stand with them the tight bastards :lol
The good about HTs is they rarely need stands so if you have figures that need it like PAKs, it's helpful. I moved mine to my custom Leon, and RAHs and the others are fine. I do wish that if an HT came with a unique stand, it would still include the original black stand.

Solidus did not come with a stand but boy, did he need one. So glad I have spares off my few PAKs that don't need it. Still a shame two of mine broke and that I had to give one to a stupid as **** ebay/fb buyer. I hate the way Square packages the stands, it's so unfriendly and obnoxious. And again, they are flimsy.
So I finally got that joint piece for Ray from 3A. I told them just to send the gear joint, but they sent me the whole section of the leg instead. The joint on this piece is much easier to move than it was on mine. Guess that's why mine broke.
