I don't understand how people can say the PAKs look garbage, yet the Revols look great? I'm not here to stick up for one or mock the other, but it's like pot calling kettle black
Because they do? That's just my opinion though, and not only with MGS, most of their lines have come to suck, there's no shortage of fugly looking faces and sculpts, excessive styling (even more so than revo) and unnecessary detail, many of them are sooo overdecorated, Their Dark Knight Returns Batman comes to mind, straight one of the ugliest Batman figures I've ever seen, and it's big and has a ton of detail, none of that stops it from being horrible. But it wasn't always the case, for example the PW figures came out totally accurate to the in-game models, Big Boss at least, although lately they've been missing the mark in a lot recently imo.
The details may be less in the revos but that doesn't mean the lack detail, they have the right amount of detail, PAK often dumps a **** ton of detail that doesn't help the figure imo
And, the proportions I think they're a little bit better in the revo Solid Snake than in the Pak, for comparison.
Have you seen the head sculpts and proportions? they are just as bad if not worse, and less detailed. The only one that probably looks more like the character is Solid. Is it because they have better articulation therefore they are automatically better? seems like it's the only thing they have over the PAK figures, which is fine if you like the have a smaller figure display that is more dynamically posed. I get that
Yup that is why I prefer them, I love posing and playing with my figures.
I didn't use to hate PAK, my hate is recent, when I started seeing all the ugly figures they started releasing back to back, I think their DC line by the Final Fantasy designer was the last drop, god, I hate those.
I've seen a number of issues with Revoltech's articulation so I don't get it, the only plus to them is that they are very cheap - sometimes $20. PAKs can be expensive but the size and stuff helps. I don't get why people prefer Revols to PAKs honestly, they both are stylized, in an awkward scale at times (Revolmini and regular Revoltech

) but I digress, I agree Frank. I don't get it either. Neither are...completely terrible though I guess.

all I know is I've sworn off Revoltechs since I've found the figures I want from them (bar MGS to an extent) in different lines.
What problems with articulation?

There are no problems, you can do almost any pose, certainly PAKs can't do 80% of what you can with Revos, they're better engineered imo.
Look I'm not saying
Revorutech masta race 
they're both overstylized, I just prefer Yamaguchi's style to PAK plus I've always liked smaller scale figures over larger scale.