looks awesome but its way too big. the bot he was riding barely covered him and he had to really crouch behind it. nice mod though, its just twice the size.
When it all comes down to it, I'm actually pretty satisfied with my old McFarlane MGS figures.
I was super interested in the upcoming MGS2 Figma Snake, but for that kinda money his lack of weapons and a functional holster is simply inexcusable. Total deal breaker.
Pretty much the only MGS figure I would absolutely lose my **** for would be a MGS3 Zombie Snake in the 6 inch format. This guy, but smaller.
View attachment 155790
That would be sooooooo baadass.
Also.......does anyone else hear the song "Nuclear" by Mike Oldfield in their head every time they open this thread? I do.
What about the ending of MGS 4? Big Boss was clearly, still tormented about killing The Boss. It's like he was just waiting to die so he could be buried next to her.
When it all comes down to it, I'm actually pretty satisfied with my old McFarlane MGS figures.
I was super interested in the upcoming MGS2 Figma Snake, but for that kinda money his lack of weapons and a functional holster is simply inexcusable. Total deal breaker.
Pretty much the only MGS figure I would absolutely lose my **** for would be a MGS3 Zombie Snake in the 6 inch format. This guy, but smaller.
View attachment 155790
That would be sooooooo baadass.
Also.......does anyone else hear the song "Nuclear" by Mike Oldfield in their head every time they open this thread? I do.
That's the only RAH figure I never bought. But, I've always loved the paint job. I'd love for Hot Toys to revisit MGS 3 and give some proper fatigues figures...
The point I was making about Big Boss was his use of the "Snake" codename. So yeah he's still definitely living under the shadow of The Boss, but it doesn't mean that he can't oppose her ideals. The fact that he's purposely going a different direction from her means that he still felt unhappy about what happened to her. So perhaps "got over" may have been bad phrasing, rather Big Boss is acting against what The Boss stood for while inadvertently being influenced by her death.
Now speaking of figures, I just hope that with the announcement of MGSV Ocelot that we'll also get other versions of the guy from previous titles...
Except that wasn't what happened. The Boss didn't want Big Boss to replace her role as an obedient soldier, she wanted him to learn from her mistakes and move on with his life to find a different path (that was the whole point of PW's story). I'll admit the only reason I can understand Big Boss's frustration is because being a soldier was his entire life, and for The Boss to essentially tell him to throw that away comes across as seemingly absurd. Problem is, he goes the extreme route of waging war on the Patriots, and in turn bringing many innocents into the conflict along the way.It's simple, if you saw your predecessor take the fall, you replacing your predecessor, would you allow the same thing to happen to you?
Sure why not? I mean they already have Snake's headsculpt ready. It can probably be reused for Snake MGS2, MGS3, MG5, PW. all they need is Eye Patch On, Eye Patch Off.
Sure why not? I mean they already have Snake's headsculpt ready. It can probably be reused for Snake MGS2, MGS3, MG5, PW. all they need is Eye Patch On, Eye Patch Off.
PW implies it, 4 states he's still tormented...Kojima might retcon that part of 4, he's already retconned PO hasn't he? He'll probably continue with retconsWhat about the ending of MGS 4? Big Boss was clearly, still tormented about killing The Boss. It's like he was just waiting to die so he could be buried next to her.
Hlj says the 31st. He does look finished though, the only issue is GSC has been notorious for delays lately.^Wow, I don't care for the PAK figure, but I have to say, that's pretty impressive.
By the way, does anyone know when Nendoroid Snake is being released? It seems like it was delayed for the longest while...
Except that wasn't what happened. The Boss didn't want Big Boss to replace her role as an obedient soldier, she wanted him to learn from her mistakes and move on with his life to find a different path (that was the whole point of PW's story). I'll admit the only reason I can understand Big Boss's frustration is because being a soldier was his entire life, and for The Boss to essentially tell him to throw that away comes across as seemingly absurd. Problem is, he goes the extreme route of waging war on the Patriots, and in turn bringing many innocents into the conflict along the way.
She wanted Big Boss to succeed him, she says so in the last few cutscenes (before bossfight, and dying moments) but maybe didn't initially, in the beginning. You are right about her in terms of character though, she knows what she was doing and what she was talking about, she really was. The only thing is her ideals and mission have been bastardized to hell.That's not what I understood from MGS 3 and Peace Walker. Loyalty mattered more to The Boss, than anything else, and she wanted Big Boss to emulate her qualities. She was loyal to her mission onto death, and in turn, she expected Big Boss to remain loyal to his mission to kill her. There was never even the slightest hint, that The Boss had any regrets about her path in life as a soldier. I'd say, aside from Solid Snake, she's definitely one of the most clear-cut, and level-headed characters in the series.
That's not what I understood from MGS 3 and Peace Walker. Loyalty mattered more to The Boss, than anything else, and she wanted Big Boss to emulate her qualities. She was loyal to her mission onto death, and in turn, she expected Big Boss to remain loyal to his mission to kill her. There was never even the slightest hint, that The Boss had any regrets about her path in life as a soldier. I'd say, aside from Solid Snake, she's definitely one of the most clear-cut, and level-headed characters in the series.
TLDR - She wanted Big Boss to succeed her ideals for a better life/future, NOT her harsh life as a loyal soldier under a corrupt government.The Boss, as her second codename "The Joy" suggests, did love war. However, when she went to space, her view on war changed. She believed that there was more to life than the Cold War, recognizing the pointlessness of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. As such, she longed for a world that would be united together in which people would respect each other as human beings, as opposed to remaining in constant conflict. This was despite the fact that she herself was a soldier.
Ever since failing her mission in 1943, The Boss had decidedly blamed herself for the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and the rise of the Cold War; having thought in retrospect that if she had succeeded, the Cold War might never have started in the first place. Because of this, she would go on to dedicate her entire life to her country and its faults to serve as a form of penance for what she felt was a conflict that she had brought upon the world. The Boss would go on to maintain this strong sense of loyalty to her country as a soldier; her loyality was so great that she allowed the government to use her ruthlessly and knowingly had her killed by her apprentice Naked Snake. Despite this, she was not blinded by her loyalty to the extent that she didn't know how soldiers were used, as she mentioned to Naked Snake when they re-encountered each other after five years. Her unrelenting loyalty was ultimately what led to her death; having purposely suppressed her own ideals and personal feelings for many years as part of her penance. As her idealistic notions were condemned and feared by her superiors, she allowed herself to die hoping that Naked Snake would learn the truth of her tortured life so that he may learn from her mistakes and live a normal life dedicated only to himself. Though she believed that the Philosophers had grown far too corrupt to be redeemed, she clinged onto what little hope she had that her sacrifice would somehow help in uniting the rest of the world. She also accurately predicted that America and Russia would no longer remain enemies in the 21st century.
Actually no. The thing was, she never projected an ideal onto him to stay loyal to anything but himself. Under the circumstances of Operation Snake Eater, she projected that sense of loyalty to one's country so that Big Boss would complete and finish his role as a soldier while fulfilling her final wish. That was the whole point of her revealing the truth to him, so that he would learn from her mistakes in following a loyal soldier's path. There were a LOT of hints that The Boss had regrets in her life, so much so that she even blamed herself for indirectly starting the entirety of the Cold War (I kid you not). The Briefing Files for The Boss and Strangelove make this very clear, and her life as a soldier that obediently followed her orders was one that was filled with regret and suffering (an experience that she was very aware of).
The main reason why she stayed loyal is because she felt that she had to atone for the sins she had made in helping shape the corrupt America she came to work under. She was clear-cut not because she blindly followed orders, rather she knew that she WAS being exploited, and while she felt that she was paying for her own mistakes, it wasn't a life that she wanted for Big Boss at all. Her actions throughout her life was done as a sort of penance for being the one to help shape America, but in the end she had actually wished for a better life. That's what makes her death so tragic, she stayed "loyal" out of a sense of guilt for her country and she felt that she needed to see it through till the end.
That's also why Big Boss opposes her ideal in the end, because he's actually PROUD of his life as a soldier unlike The Boss. The thing is, The Boss wished for Big Boss to have a normal life in the end after everything she had suffered through, or at least one that leads to progress rather than being an outright soldier (e.g. Snake's work with Philanthropy). Big Boss on the other hand preferred to stay as a soldier, but one that was unbound by nations, hence his resolve in creating Outer Heaven; a literal army without a nation. It's why I keep saying that Big Boss wasn't the hero that people keep projecting him to be, because screwed up as Zero was, Big Boss added fuel to the fire by alienating his own comrades from Snake Eater in favor of idealizing how a soldier is meant to live.
Actually no. The thing was, she never projected an ideal onto him to stay loyal to his country, except for when he was forced to kill her (even then, the reason she wanted that to happen was because he was the only person she was close enough to understand her circumstances). That was the whole point of her revealing the truth to him, so that he would learn from her mistakes in following a soldier's path. There were a LOT of hints that The Boss had regrets in her life, so much so that she even blamed herself for starting the entirety of the Cold War (I'm not kidding here, she literally blamed herself for indirectly start the Cold War). The files with The Boss and Strangelove make this very clear, and her life as a soldier that followed obediently was one she actually regrets.
The main reason why she stayed loyal is because she felt that she had to atone for the sins she had made in helping shape the corrupt America she came to work under. She was clear-cut not because she blindly followed orders, rather she knew that she WAS being exploited, and while she felt that she was paying for her own mistakes, it wasn't a life that she wanted for Big Boss at all.
Also straight from the MGS wiki:
TLDR - She wanted Big Boss to succeed her ideals for a better life/future, NOT her harsh life as a loyal soldier under a corrupt government.
None of the Snakes are interchangeable as they all look different under scrutiny. The MGS3 Hot Toys figure was based off the one-shot MGS3D CG art, with creative liberties taken on his hair.
And do try to a pal and not to triple post.
Sorry, I don't read the fan-made Wikis, but I guess that's some interesting information, anyways.
In 1943, The Boss was ordered to infiltrate Los Alamos and assassinate one of the Manhattan Project scientists, John von Neumann, under the belief that he was a Nazi spy, and make it seem like his death was accidental. But just before the operation, she found out that she was pregnant by The Sorrow. She proceeded with the mission as planned, though she ended up blowing her cover due to being distracted by her pregnancy. Though she avoided a bullet aimed for her gut, she received a graze to the side of her brain and would enter a coma for three months. After six months, The Boss made a complete recovery, theorizing that her body may have willed her to live for her child. She grew to regret failing the mission, even after it transpired that Neumann being a spy was actually Soviet misinformation to sabotage the Manhattan Project. The Boss felt that his living resulted in the Cold War, which made her partially responsible as well.
Those are different renders, and you can't use the same head-sculpt for all of the characters.