What's in that?
Be sure to post pics. This is the first I've heard of that book.
It's all a conspiracy, I tellz you. Or Kojima is bipolar with tastes.But Quiet doesn't seem to fit his own "tastes." His tastes are more akin to Raikov's relationship to Volgin, or Scott Dolph to Vamp.
It's all a conspiracy, I tellz you. Or Kojima is bipolar with tastes.
Yeah you're right. I don't think our opinion of Kojima-sama could get any more warped from this pointI mean it doesn't effect my opinion of the guy either way, but it just seems like he's too guarded on the subject since he's never spoken about anything outside of games.
All that comes with is the artbook right?Metal Gear Solid HD Collector's Edition for $59.99. You're wullcomb.
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