I'm seriously wondering if I should keep my pre-order for the MGS V LE or get the regular edition instead. I have no idea what's the use of a half-scale arm. The steel book looks like crap, too...
I'm seriously wondering if I should keep my pre-order for the MGS V LE or get the regular edition instead. I have no idea what's the use of a half-scale arm. The steel book looks like crap, too...
'How are the rubber bewbs?
Great pics, Plissken. Nice to see that the height of the Metal Gear PAK figure have stayed consistent, from the look of it. That's been a concern of mine with the PAK line. Tempted to pick up Raiden and Solidus since they're still affordable.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah....there is no real height consistency anymore. I think Pliss actually had to adjust his PAKs to make it seem consistent
hey plis i thought you were waiting til next week on quiet!?!?! did you order the same day i gave you the ebay listing and get it from that seller? collection looks great, i see you did the codec pose as well. red ninja always looks so sick, best pak imo.
If you somehow could, you could have the arm hold Raiden's sword or something but still, that arm is so bizarre...it's got some sort of appeal, I'll give them that, like the MGR lamp, but unlike the lamp, I can't see much use in this.
Quiet and the second Snake look pretty good Pliss, where's the Nendoroid though?
Ive decided to only pick up Ocelot from MGSV PAK as of now to go with the TTP BB and GZ BB
Maybe my tune will change after i finish the game but I'm running out of space and PAKs are just to god damn expensive these days
I already have Venom Snake and Quite, have Sneaking Suit Venom Snake on PO and will get DD and thats about it.
BTW i want this Metal Gear!!!
I may pick up Quiet if she hits the bargain bit at any point and my collection ends up being and odd number
I hate her over sexualized design, but she's one of the better figures I've gotten from PAK lately.
Agreed she wouldve been fine with an outfit like Meryl's. The ankles were kinda weak on mine and i hate using stands so some future floor polish solved that problem.