i love to fight.
Yeah well you're completely alone in that belief. Nathan Drake or a Kratos would more than likely out sell any Snake past MGS2.
Nah I'm not.
That doesn't really matter much to me and just guess work really.
In fact as above a Tomb Raider reboot HT would even be better, that game is quite a bit more fun. (Although not the fairest comparison given Uncharted games are quite old now)
Uncharted 4 MP Beta had some solid mechanics though, much improved feel. Somewhat excited to try it out and perhaps the story might even surprise me. That blue PS4 is also damn nice, even better than the Phantom Pain PS4 D:
Just put Dylan on ignore, he can't handle other people's opinions.
Last of Us and Uncharted are definitely overrated, still fun games though if you don't take them too seriously.
Why are you going to as many threads as you can just to try and call me out.
Notice how Purdy replied without his panties in a bunch.
I just hope you find peace some day.
Actually what happened was Purdy posted his opinion and then I did the same. That's how discussions work you see. No one inflamed it. He set the tone I replied in the same tone and he continued that tone. He didn't get butt hurt and follow me around in threads harassing me about completly unrelated things. All of this you certainly should take notes on.
I'll agree to disagree, let's stay on topic though man![]()
Just put Dylan on ignore, he can't handle other people's opinions.
Last of Us and Uncharted are definitely overrated, still fun games though if you don't take them too seriously.
Yeah TLoU singleplayer is great but massively overrated.
The MP however was criminally underrated. Although ND seem to get a free pass for riddling their MP with microtransactions.
Has that Hayter interview been discussed on here? Kinda sad how he got seemingly treated by Kojima.
Which interview are you referring too?