Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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i can't understand HT... metal gear solid is a hot license and everything with metal gear brand om it wil sell very fast. What are they waiting to show us somenthing? Because i can't wait longer i bought both the headplays/inflames metal boss and i'm very pleased!
I will buy the HT stuff as soon as they release them, but for now these are very good.

Seriously hot, I'd buy their clothes.
i can't understand HT... metal gear solid is a hot license and everything with metal gear brand om it wil sell very fast. What are they waiting to show us somenthing? Because i can't wait longer i bought both the headplays/inflames metal boss and i'm very pleased!
I will buy the HT stuff as soon as they release them, but for now these are very good.

Seriously, I believe that's the reason why HT has not announced official stuff. The no license Metal boss kinda pop the bubble and leaked all the steam IMO. They were stopped at one point, but made their way to the market somehow.
They are good, but not meeting my expectation - specially proportion-wise. Not even better than some of the custom made here by other guys.
I'm still holding off to get the real deal. Hopefully it will blow away all the fake stuff :dunno
Proportions of the inflames ones are very good. The only problem is the neck, but modding it is very easy and reversible, so it's not a big trouble. The armour is made of hard plastic and detalis are very crisp (probably hot toys will have a rubber one). And the head is very very good. I have bought them because i love these item, and not only to feed my hungry for metal gear solid action dolls ^_^. Very very cool, i suggest them to all metal gear solid fans.
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Proportions of the inflames ones are very good. The only problem in the neck, but modding it is very easy and reversible, so it'n tot a big trouble. The armour is made of hard plastic ad detalis are very crisp)probably hot toys will have a rubber one). And the head is very very good. I have bought them because i love these item, and not only to feed my hungry for metal gear solid action dolls ^_^. Very very cool, i suggest them to all metal gear solid fans.

You can't give in!
oh wait you already did...:p
Yeah the neck is the major problem. However, I don't see the snake in the face either. Maybe I'm too spoiled. Sorry to say that..
The portrait is based on the peace walker snake...
i'd have preferred the snake eater portraits, but in any case the face is very reminescent of him. With the eye patch the likeness is dead on. A very cool action doll and at reasonable price too.
Proportions of the inflames ones are very good. The only problem is the neck, but modding it is very easy and reversible, so it's not a big trouble. The armour is made of hard plastic and detalis are very crisp (probably hot toys will have a rubber one). And the head is very very good. I have bought them because i love these item, and not only to feed my hungry for metal gear solid action dolls ^_^. Very very cool, i suggest them to all metal gear solid fans.

Well said my friend and it is the quality, price of the products that draws Metal Gear Solid fans...sometimes licensed products cannot even match the Inflames Metal Boss quality. I bought both Metal Bosses and never looked back!!
What about the medicom snake figures they were pretty good. Tbh snake has been alot what I'm hoping for is the other characters being done on detailed scale.
What about the medicom snake figures they were pretty good. Tbh snake has been alot what I'm hoping for is the other characters being done on detailed scale.

The Medicom figures achieved a legendary status amongst 1/6 collectibles, prior to the re-release in 2010. Yup, they're great figures, even to this day. It's even more worthwhile if you happen to own the originals.

I also agree you on Big Boss. There's already so many figures of him, and not much love for the other characters. Personally, I'd love to see an MGS 1 Solid Snake, or even an Old Snake :monkey1.
I also agree you on Big Boss. There's already so many figures of him, and not much love for the other characters. Personally, I'd love to see an MGS 1 Solid Snake, or even an Old Snake :monkey1.

I agree. Too much Big Boss, not enough Solid Snake. Isn't the play arts Solid Snake figure only the 2nd poseable figure of him ever? Madness!
I just want a Hot Toys release of big boss from MGS3 with croc cap etc. I'd love a 1/6 Triumph to go with him too :D
Here's my MGS 12" collection so far.

Minus the Gremlins/ :)


