Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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The focus on the heads I get, but don't personally care too much about myself. I'm more concerned with the overall appearance. That said… don't love them too much myself. The outfits on both I don't really like how they've been realized. I think I'm also just not a fan of the designs. I'm definitely more a fan of the design in the modern MGS games rather than the prequel games.
The focus on the heads I get, but don't personally care too much about myself. I'm more concerned with the overall appearance. That said… don't love them too much myself. The outfits on both I don't really like how they've been realized. I think I'm also just not a fan of the designs. I'm definitely more a fan of the design in the modern MGS games rather than the prequel games.

I like The Boss's sneaking suit but the Naked Snake sneaking suit is the 2nd worst sneaking suit next to the MPO suit. It's okay but the color scheme and overall design is ugly. You can definitely sneak out with BRIGHT ORANGE on your suit.

My main issues with both of them are.

Headsculpts need to be refined.

The sneaking suits need to be better tailored and form fitting. Snake's looks like it doesn't fit him well at all and The Boss has camel toe in a few of her photos.
My main issue with the Boss is that the flightsuit lines on the front of the legs are sculpted (rubber?) appliqués. Really bugs me and I can just see those coming unglued from the suit with much of bending at the knee. Her boots also look a bit dodgy. I actually like the head. Not all chicks need to look like 18 year old tv actors. I wouldn't mind though if she looked a bit more like the original game and less like the remake though.
They'll be a hell of a lot better than any of medicoms tailoring, and Medicom don't get near as much criticism.

They give ZERO posing possibilities. I got the Croc Cape version, he's had 1 pose for the last 2 years since you can't do anything with it. Those figs are so dated and eclipsed by Hot Toys.
Yeah Medicom get A LOT of criticism from people who buy their stuff… not a lot of people who post on English Language message boards buy their stuff anymore though.
I own the Raiden, blue Old Snake and the Croc Cap. They are not worth the money I put into them but I can't see myself parting with them lol.
Some people like Medicom's style, or are a bit nostalgic for products produced when they were the only game in town, and I can appreciate that. But if you're looking for an extremely detailed, reasonably screen accurate, high quality product, then they have never really been a company to go to. Hot Toys gets so much criticism because they have set such a high standard and collectors (of which there are many in the West) have expectations that those standards be met or exceeded.
I owned all three at one point, I thought croc cap was pretty awesome as a stylised representation, I got a lot of varied poses out of him until his shoulders decided to snap off.
I also owned and enjoyed the Croc Cap version for awhile, but I had already been spoiled by Hot Toys at that point, and just didn't find the figure fulfilling. Same with their Akira figure, which actually did look just about perfect considering the source material, but lacked quality across the board.
Heres me snake!

74705_10150664574350738_506135737_9635448_1223861747_n.jpg has Ninja for 52.99 and free shipping, FYI.

Anyone else have their Playarts Ninja order from FigureoftheDay cancelled?
I received an email saying they never got their shipment.
That was a shot to the gut. I had received a tracking# and everything but I guess the wait continues...