Now that I think about it, I believe the last time I actually followed E3 was in 2013 with the release of the PS4. But, games have definitely not sparked the type of inspiration for me either - unlike the the PS1/PS2/PS3 eras where I was deeply motivated to pre-order things and buy Limited Edition releases.
I tend to revisit older franchises a lot these days, and it's been an expensive endeavor. Like you, I gravitate towards physical copies, but for my case, retro-gaming prices have increased drastically because of speculation in the secondary market that's been happening for the last several years. Older horror games are drastically expensive too, and just the other day, I picked up a used copy of Silent Hill 3 (PS2) for $150 USD. Pretty hilarious that it was actually the cheapest copy I found in good condition with the soundtrack and instruction manual. I'm sure I'll have to buy a few other games as well (or at least just SH 4)

As for Death Stranding, I was playing it on a fairly outdated PC, and it ran well at 60-80 fps at 1440p. My processor is an i5 3570 K from 2011 and I'm using a GTX 1080 card from 2016. I would've upgraded a long time ago, but 1440p is still the sweet spot of where I game, and even newer titles run pretty smooth at that resolution. I'm also not willing to pay $5,000 to build a new gaming rig with the current price increases from the world-wide chip shortage.