Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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It wasn't meant to come across that way sorry, it's just that there's nothing to show, when there's more me or somebody else will post it here.
You said, “Coming in early 2022, 1/6”.
Can I expect your post?
Been wondering, in what order of games do you guys prioritize collecting? For me:

1. MGS 2
2. MGS 1
3. MG Rising
4. MGS 3

I think MGS 1 and 2 have always been my top games in the series for collectibles, because I grew up with them. There's also so much released in terms of Konami Store exclusives, and promotional material, it's quite exhausting (even years later, and I'm still not finished!). I don't really collect much for MGS 4, PW, and TPP, but I've still found myself with some rather limited items for those games. MGS 4 and Peace Walker are always going to have a special place in my memories, because I had several rare opportunities to meet Kojima during the respected launches, and had him sign some stuff for me in person.
My preference:

MGS 3 (Snake Eater being my first game on PS2 and blowing me away completely with those cinematics. Need an Ocelot from Lim!)
MGS 1 (Agree with shadow_wolf, need SM Solid, Liquid & Cy Ninja)
MGS 4 (somebody for the love of MGS make a 1/6 old snake, I beg ya lol)
MGS 2 (Could never get into that metaphysical stuff and Raiden at that point is, meh. Would only get Snake from that line)
1. MGS 2 Sneaking Suit
2. MGS 1 Sneaking Suit
3. MGS 1 Cyborg Ninja
4. MGS 4 (or 1) Revolver Ocelot
5. I'd love to see any one of 'Beauty and the Beast Corps' become 1/6 figures

Others were already done or doesn't seem very interesting (Shape/Costume-wise)
About your fifth point, I'd love to see some of the mechanized suit designs of MGS. I keep hoping for the day when an ambitious company can release a 1/6 Solidus with articulated manipulator arms.

As for the B&B, I've always liked Laughing Octopus' design the best. She had this otherworldly look, reminiscent of something I'd read in mythological folklore. Although, I'm not sure if it would be possible to have any of the B&B members as figures, because their designs are so complex. But, statues would've been so cool.
A lot of love for MGS 2 here. Surprising as I remember a lot of hate for it during its release. Due to the Raiden controversy. Sneaking suit Solid Snake looked awesome though

Over time my preferences tend to change but currently:

MGS 3 - Has several elements from my favorite movies. Gameplay was ahead of its time
MGS 5 - Best graphics and gameplay for the series
MGS 1 - The game that got me into the series. Same as MGS 3, gameplay was ahead of it’s time
MGS 2 - Raiden
MGS 4 - Hard for me to get into this one but still wasn’t bad

Same goes for collecting. I tend to pick up whatever I can get my hands on for MGS 3
For me aesthetics play as much a role as nostalgia, and I always think of MGS as that mix of 80s action and Y2K near-future, so my collecting tastes work according to that mentality. That said, here:
  1. MGS 2
  2. MGS 4
  3. MGS 1
  4. MGS V
  5. MGS 3 / PW
I'm not much into the Cold War era and the game itself wasn't my favourite, so 3 comes last. V had a much more vibrant aesthetic IMHO and it works for me. I enjoyed Rising, but beyond Raiden there's nobody I'd really want, so I'm not really counting it there. I prefer the "Modern Trilogy" so 2, 4 and 1 are where my primary wants are. The thing is, merch was always rather limited compared to other properties, and none of the scales and lines I collected had any MGS products, so I'm basically still waiting. The McFarlane figures always rubbed me off the wrong way as they were basically statues, so I always skipped them. The import 1/12th figures of recent years always felt too pricey for what they were, but the Figmas were tempting. I won't even get into Play Arts Kai. Basically I'm still waiting for some great MGS merch. I do want to go back and buy the Kubricks though.
A lot of love for MGS 2 here. Surprising as I remember a lot of hate for it during its release. Due to the Raiden controversy. Sneaking suit Solid Snake looked awesome though

Over time my preferences tend to change but currently:

MGS 3 - Has several elements from my favorite movies. Gameplay was ahead of its time
MGS 5 - Best graphics and gameplay for the series
MGS 1 - The game that got me into the series. Same as MGS 3, gameplay was ahead of it’s time
MGS 2 - Raiden
MGS 4 - Hard for me to get into this one but still wasn’t bad

Same goes for collecting. I tend to pick up whatever I can get my hands on for MGS 3

I've noticed that MGS 2 has gained a cult-status popularity in recent years. In retrospect, the fans in 2001 (including myself) were just way too young to truly appreciate this game. Yeah, the storyline was garbage and Raiden was an effeminate dork. But, it's a game that required the player to look beyond surface-level narrative in order to truly grasp its post-modernist ideas. I remember the YouTuber, SuperBunnyHop did a good analysis on MGS 2 (well worth the watch, if you have the time):

In terms of style, MGS 3 just had a really neat blend of 80s action films and early James Bond movies. I absolutely loved the artwork and music for this game, and some of my most prized posters are from MGS 3.

For me aesthetics play as much a role as nostalgia, and I always think of MGS as that mix of 80s action and Y2K near-future, so my collecting tastes work according to that mentality. That said, here:
  1. MGS 2
  2. MGS 4
  3. MGS 1
  4. MGS V
  5. MGS 3 / PW
I'm not much into the Cold War era and the game itself wasn't my favourite, so 3 comes last. V had a much more vibrant aesthetic IMHO and it works for me. I enjoyed Rising, but beyond Raiden there's nobody I'd really want, so I'm not really counting it there. I prefer the "Modern Trilogy" so 2, 4 and 1 are where my primary wants are. The thing is, merch was always rather limited compared to other properties, and none of the scales and lines I collected had any MGS products, so I'm basically still waiting. The McFarlane figures always rubbed me off the wrong way as they were basically statues, so I always skipped them. The import 1/12th figures of recent years always felt too pricey for what they were, but the Figmas were tempting. I won't even get into Play Arts Kai. Basically I'm still waiting for some great MGS merch. I do want to go back and buy the Kubricks though.

It's a shame how much this series has been lacking in terms of figures. Konami has been generally unwilling to distribute the license, so I think the only way that we'll see 1/6 figures, is through the custom route or third-party (like Lim Toys). Although, I'm looking forward to a few releases from F4F, especially their life-size Solid Snake bust.
It's a shame how much this series has been lacking in terms of figures. Konami has been generally unwilling to distribute the license, so I think the only way that we'll see 1/6 figures, is through the custom route or third-party (like Lim Toys). Although, I'm looking forward to a few releases from F4F, especially their life-size Solid Snake bust.
Sadly for me, I don't do 3rd party stuff (unless it was a one-off specific costume or look I couldn't get from an official line), especially at such a big scale as with MGS where I'd want multiple characters. But yeah, it's a shame there's really no good option out there. It's even more dumbfounding considering how big MGS is as a videogame brand. Granted, VGs doesn't get as much physical merch as movies & comics, but you'd think there'd be something out there. Alas... I don't know, maybe one day. I can daydream that someone like Dam could pick up the license since they're doing fine with Assassin's Creed, but I'm thinking something like Mass Effect is more likely for them. Konami just doesn't treat MGS right, that's the problem. I remember that rumor from a while ago that Kojima was looking to buy MGS and take it to Sony, but it's poppycock really. It's sad that the best we can hope for is Konami deciding to milk the brand again...
Not giving any money to Konami for MGS related stuff. 3rd party All the way for me!
I will still give money to Konami only for Bomberman and Zone of Enders licenses :D
For me I'd be most interested in MGS1 and MGS3 - Played games 1-3 constantly and while I really enjoyed MGS2 the first game holds much more nostalgia for me as the PS1 was the first console I bought with my own money and it was one of the first games I bought for it.

MGS3 was such an amazing game and the gameplay was just on another level, if I could pick one look from the game I'd love either the OD green or the tiger stripe outfits Snake wore.
Sadly for me, I don't do 3rd party stuff (unless it was a one-off specific costume or look I couldn't get from an official line), especially at such a big scale as with MGS where I'd want multiple characters. But yeah, it's a shame there's really no good option out there. It's even more dumbfounding considering how big MGS is as a videogame brand. Granted, VGs doesn't get as much physical merch as movies & comics, but you'd think there'd be something out there. Alas... I don't know, maybe one day. I can daydream that someone like Dam could pick up the license since they're doing fine with Assassin's Creed, but I'm thinking something like Mass Effect is more likely for them. Konami just doesn't treat MGS right, that's the problem. I remember that rumor from a while ago that Kojima was looking to buy MGS and take it to Sony, but it's poppycock really. It's sad that the best we can hope for is Konami deciding to milk the brand again...
Konami doesn't deserve a cent from merchandise given how they treated this legendary IP and relegated it to ******* mini games on Pachinko machines, every day I wish Sony would buy it so we could get a proper remake by BluePoint.

Plus companies like them and Capcom among other asian/japanese studios are notoriously a pain to work with, from delayed approvals and communication to constant tampering of the work being done on figures, the high price they charge for their licenses, most official companies would deem making figures of games over 20 years old a waste of time, effort and money, given the conditions I mentioned.

The good thing is most of these video game studios and their publishers don't give a damn if third parties make figures based on their IPs, just last year Naughty Dog devs were jokingly sharing pictures of the CCToys Joel and Ellie figures, some even bought them, Sony doesn't care about people making figures of their games when they make millions of dollars with every triple A title they release, figures would turn a measly profit next to that and the same goes for companies like Konami, they don't care, and honestly neither should you, I would rather have an unlicensed figure produced by passionate people than nothing at all while a company like Konami keeps leeching of an IP they have made sure to keep buried while they run their empire of slot machines and **** out a new PES game every year.
Konami doesn't deserve a cent from merchandise given how they treated this legendary IP and relegated it to ******* mini games on Pachinko machines, every day I wish Sony would buy it so we could get a proper remake by BluePoint.

Plus companies like them and Capcom among other asian/japanese studios are notoriously a pain to work with, from delayed approvals and communication to constant tampering of the work being done on figures, the high price they charge for their licenses, most official companies would deem making figures of games over 20 years old a waste of time, effort and money, given the conditions I mentioned.

The good thing is most of these video game studios and their publishers don't give a damn if third parties make figures based on their IPs, just last year Naughty Dog devs were jokingly sharing pictures of the CCToys Joel and Ellie figures, some even bought them, Sony doesn't care about people making figures of their games when they make millions of dollars with every triple A title they release, figures would turn a measly profit next to that and the same goes for companies like Konami, they don't care, and honestly neither should you, I would rather have an unlicensed figure produced by passionate people than nothing at all while a company like Konami keeps leeching of an IP they have made sure to keep buried while they run their empire of slot machines and **** out a new PES game every year.
You're right on all your points but... I've got compulsions I can't get over. An unlicensed figure could look pitch perfect, and I still wouldn't be satisfied unless I've got the official stamp on it. It's peak consooooomerism, the very thing I criticize half the time, but I just can't help myself. The majority of my collection is fueled by an irrational sense of completionism instead of real desire to own a piece. It's just ticking names off a list (one that changes every other day at that) instead of a genuine attachment to a character. I know how it sounds.


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