Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Amazing, yes but Metal Gear Rex has more "charisma" :). There is something awesome about Rex's design.
I cannot wait to get REX in August. There is no doubt RAY will be cheaper since it's not a complex construction like REX. I wonder when it will be released, maybe around the same time as REX was this year next year.
Finally got my PA Snake through. First time it arrived customs got it and tried to charge me a ____ ton. So i had it returned and reshipped, way cheaper that way lol.

The figure is amazingly sculpted an painted. My only complaints Id just say is the face doesn't look like Snake to me, also the hyper muscle is a bit much. He's even more tanked than PeaceWalker snake which isn't true to the character
Finally got my PA Snake through. First time it arrived customs got it and tried to charge me a ____ ton. So i had it returned and reshipped, way cheaper that way lol.

The figure is amazingly sculpted an painted. My only complaints Id just say is the face doesn't look like Snake to me, also the hyper muscle is a bit much. He's even more tanked than PeaceWalker snake which isn't true to the character

I just ordered it through an american seller, apparently its in hand and I will get it either Friday or Saturday (hope it's not a bootleg)

I don't know what it is with Play Arts muscle fetish but I know what your talking about. Snake is lean, so is Big Boss, their not Arnold in Commando.
Depends if you ordered from a big American retailer.

I thought PeaceWalker Boss was accurate cause BB is pretty built. GreyFox was a good level of muscle, not like the other PlayArts. Its just Solid thats too much. Hopefully MGS2 Snake wont be a body builder, Im betting Raiden will be the same size as GreyFox
Depends if you ordered from a big American retailer.

I thought PeaceWalker Boss was accurate cause BB is pretty built. GreyFox was a good level of muscle, not like the other PlayArts. Its just Solid thats too much. Hopefully MGS2 Snake wont be a body builder, Im betting Raiden will be the same size as GreyFox

Yeah Fox is pretty accurate. But it's not exactly muscle though, were not sure how much of his body was exoskeleton but his left shoulder was at least there since we see massive amounts of blood after it got lasered off.

I really hope they are not done with the MGS1 line... I'm dying for a Liquid Snake. But since we see Solidus and MGR Raiden I think it's over.
Ya never know, maybe they're just hopping around. They show Meryl then Solidus then (Risings)Raiden? Its all over the place
Yeah I would agree. I think now they're starting to work through all the games and are doing them kinda scattershot.
I was looking at some website that had the Solidus promo figure and in the same set of photos some guy was holding up a picture of Eve from MGS3 - could be a sign of the next thing to come
After receiving Gray Fox (Cyborg Ninja) and Solid Snake, I'm really excited about Rising Raiden. I really hope he's the same size as these two!

Cyborg Ninja/GF is truly a work of action figure art. Gorgeous paint (though a little sloppy in spots), amazing sculpt, and awesome articulation. Figure moves better than some gymnasts I know!
I don't know what it is with Play Arts muscle fetish but I know what your talking about. Snake is lean, so is Big Boss, their not Arnold in Commando.

I don't know what it is with Play Arts muscle fetish but I know what your talking about. Snake is lean, so is Big Boss, their not Arnold in Commando.

Big Boss is supposed to be built like Schwarzenegger while Solid is supposed to be built like Van Damme: said:
Male, 30s, Standard English. His real name is Jack. Naked Snake is the code name he uses in the VR Missions and during Snake Eater operations. He will later be given the name, Big Boss, and is the Big Boss of the future. 6'5" high, and his physical constitution are thick like 'Schwarzenegger'. He has more of an "all mighty", tough fighting style. He is a persistent, highly independant hero. FOX (Force Operations X), the special forces team that Snake serves with in MGS3, will eventually become the unique special forces team, "FOX-HOUND", formed at the end of the 20th century for solo infiltration and destruction. said:
"Character Designer Shinkawa Yoji designed Solid Snake's face based on the image of actor Christopher Walken, and his body based on the image of actor Jean-Claude Van Damme."

Notice that Big Boss is more built than Solid:

The Solid PA Kai is too built while the Big Boss PA Kai is not built enough. They should've switched builds.
After receiving Gray Fox (Cyborg Ninja) and Solid Snake, I'm really excited about Rising Raiden. I really hope he's the same size as these two!

Cyborg Ninja/GF is truly a work of action figure art. Gorgeous paint (though a little sloppy in spots), amazing sculpt, and awesome articulation. Figure moves better than some gymnasts I know!

I just hope they rework that headsculpt, I remember his hair being way off. But the torso looked great, really rigid looking. I hope they do flip flop through the whole series. There needs to be more Snake figures out there, Big Boss had his time. Let it go.
Sharing my Metal Boss beside my custom Big Boss kitbash:


..and my PA Kai figures (still waiting for Jungle Fatigue to arrive):

The only one I'm missing is that Miller you got there (also the Zero version of the Sneaking Suit)

I don't know if it's just my figure but the jungle fatigue version has wrists pegs that are a pain to get the hands on. Yesterday I was going to have him with the M16 and the stun rod and it took a lot of effort to finally get it on those pegs.

I'm still debating getting the Metal Boss Armor Version. I have the Jungle Fatigue version already just money is a little tight since I'm waiting on the Nicholson Joker.
^^ What I normally do is dip the hands in close-to-boiling water for 1 minute, then dry it with a towel/cloth, and it should fit effortlessly. As the plastic cools down, it will reinforce and should be hard to take off again.

The hot temperature will not melt the paint apps. :wave

Yeah, tough luck on finding a 'Zero' version of the Sneaking Suit. I haven't come across one in a long time, either on eBay or here. :slap It's always when I have some money to burn that I don't find the figures I want, and when it runs out, the figures I'm looking for are posted for sale. :dunno