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Yeah, after seeing those pics of REX I'm going to preorder/flex pay that beast, and just gonna have to get RAY as well, they are both too awesome for a "Metal-head" not to pic up, it's pretty much essential.



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I've been wanting to get this forever, but now that it's out. I can't really squeeze in another preorder just yet. Need to figure out where I can put Rex.
Looking at the size of Ray, purely for lack of Space m just sticking with Rex, unless Rays paintjob blows my mind(it probably will)
If I remember correctly the Mass produced RAYs never had tails like the main one Ocelot steals, so maybe that's what this one is, or they just haven't finished it yet. Hope it's the latter!

I think seeing the RAY prototype made me realise I prefer RAY to REX :horror
I have a feeling this figure will let you swap out the tail, so you can have both versions. The same way REX has removable panels to let you have its MGS1 and 4 versions.

Ash said earyler that it as an articulated spine. Looking at these photos that isn't there so its still getting fully developed. Cant wait to see it in finalized form
Yeah this Ray is akin to the super early Rex we saw way back. The final rex is very different in many ways from the early proto.
____. Ray just may be too cool to pass up on. Sure Rex is the far more iconic one of the two. But Ray is just... Awesome.

I have 0 intention of buying Rex but if the stars align when Ray is released I.E. when i am in a MGS mood and have money in paypal then ill buy it.
If I remember correctly the Mass produced RAYs never had tails like the main one Ocelot steals, so maybe that's what this one is, or they just haven't finished it yet. Hope it's the latter!

I think seeing the RAY prototype made me realise I prefer RAY to REX :horror

Yeah, you can see that on the MGS2 artbook. The unmanned Rays don't hava a tail.

I suppose the one that attacks Rex on Shadow Moses is the original one from MGS2. But now appears without the tail too in MGS4. Also, the knees look different and changed the "Marienes" text with "Outer Haven".
Ray looks mighty tempting. Even at this early a stage! Damn. I wonder if they'll stop with these or go onto do Shagohad. a 1/6 Gecko would be mind blowing.
I just love REX. Besides looking like a lumbering behemoth of destruction, it's one of the grand-fathers of all other mechs in the MGS series. REX was conceptualized by Granin prior to the events of MGS 3. But, he couldn't get it (as well as the other prototypes) developed because Volgin chose Sokolov's design of the Shagohod over Granin's Metal Gears.

Granin's blue-prints:


From left to right: TX-55 Metal Gear, Metal Gear D, Metal Gear REX.
I think that was just an easter egg rather than outright statement that Granin created the final designs. Otacon design Rex did he not?
I think that was just an easter egg rather than outright statement that Granin created the final designs. Otacon design Rex did he not?

He did in MGS 1. But, then MGS 3 came along and retconed the storyline a bit.

Remember, Ocelot stole Granin's designs and took them back to The Patriots. Even in Peace Walker, Metal Gear ZEKE had a striking resemblance to REX when Big Boss finalized its construction. So, it's not just a coincidence. It's safe to assume that Big Boss managed to get his hands on those blue-prints as well - most likely because Ocelot, who was acting as a double-agent for Outer Heaven/MSF, gave the blue-prints to him.

The boss and snake look awesome! I wish HT announces other figures from the line. At first I thought no one could compete with the detail and style of the PA Kai, but after seeing these.. wow.