Just scored the build a figure torture table set from the original mcfarlane figures for $5 shipped sweet
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Also if anybody wants the Premium Package Kaz miller figure there's one for $55 on eBay by Snapdragong I think this is an excellent price because it's harder to get than the version 0 Big Boss
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Wait, you got the boss before Big Boss? Weird...could be worse, you could NOT have gotten her...
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Just FYI - Square Enix PAK MGR: Revengence RAIDEN back in stock at Amazon.com - $69.99 + $6.19 shipping
That's $76.18 dlvd for a figure selling on eBay now for over $120!
I sort of feel bad for those folks dropping 2 x retail for this figure...
Guys can someone buy it for me and I send the money through western union pls??? (the Raiden figure) for ship to Seattle?
Quick Snake doodle.
what's up synyster? No Amazon account? I live in Puyallup (35 mins south of Seattle)
You wouldn't if you saw it in hand
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.