Yeah the peg was broken but I remember Jason saying something about using epoxy. I got Raiden for $145!
You're wrong about Old Snake, he isn't badly painted- he's barely painted at all.All they did was smack some lip color and painted the eye!
I have no idea how the sculpt ended up being so good yet they forgot to paint it. On the plus side though, anybody who paints their Old Snake will see major improvements right away since the sculpt is actually very close to the 3D model, I've checked.
Anybody has the Olive Drab? I wonder if it suffers the same issues as the regular Snake. Didn't this board start off with that rumor that the Olive Drab is better?
I had Olive Drab originally and I sold it like an idiot. I didn't notice anything different between that and Blue.
im leaving the thread.
I got mine with Old Snake so in reality I got Raiden for 250$. This was 3 years ago mind you.