Super Freak
I have seen solidus go for as low as $60 on eBay (plus shipping) so you should let this Solidus go and let me get him
Was it 60$ MIB?
No. It was used in a review for some website but it came complete with package.
That's a great price, as long as it was in good shape. I had ordered my 2nd Solidus for my sword custom for my one Raiden, and I had to send it back to Amazon since his torso joint was retardely loose and his one leg was twisted and bent all out of whack luckily I got a quick refund after returning it and ordered elsewhere.
I'm thinking of getting two MGS2 Raidens, so I can display him both ways. If I get a second I'm thinking of modifying the hair on one of the head sculpts. I like how they sculpted it, but wouldn't mind having a second hair option. It would also been nice to have a second normal Raiden head for when they do a MGS4 Raiden, then I can display him that way. Yeah.. I'm a big fan of Raiden. Though not enough to buy color variants, just for different displays. lol.
I think I'll eventually pick up a second Solidus. MGS is great in that regard.. so many display options. lol. I need to recover from my Cyborg Ninja spree though.
Yes! Haha, that's it! It's very Spider-Man like. I've been meaning to replay MGS2 (it's been years since I last played it), so I need to do that soon. That way I can get some more dio ideas for Raiden and Solidus. We really need a MGS2 Solid to come out next year.
It MIGHT happen, and since were getting a Liquid Snake which came out of nowhere basically it leads me to believe it's at least possible.
It will happen. I have no doubt we will get a Snake from every major installment from Playarts. Its just a matter of when. Hot toys on the other hand who ****ing knows.
Yeah definitely. I think despite everything, SQEX and MGS Inc.*, both seem committed to making the major characters from each main MGS game. I think SQEX making both Liquid Snake & MGS2 Raiden was a great sign of things to come.
*my short hand term for Kojima, Shinkawa, etc lol
I just hope they don't do MGS3, at least not yet because they only prolongs the torture of eventually seeing it.
We will get boat loads of MGS3 I bet. I am really only interested in Ocelot and Boss
Boss will have ridiculous exaggerated ****s I bet. At least that will be a Big Boss game I wouldn't mind them milking. I'd like to get a Volgin too.
I think Kojima has final say on what's made by Square and he might be trying to get out as much Big Boss merch in preparation for V.
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