Led installed
Led installed
it sucked using hot water dunking and prying to get it out over and over. once i set the led i curled up the +/- and wedged a battery in there, then i just snapped the plug back in. if i want to shut it off i just pop the plug and remove the battery. i did have to cut the corner off of the plug because it interfered with the led and didnt seat. basically when i go to pull the head off like i was going to use the open head, the peg and plug would remain on the figure and id have the hollow head in my hand. i used a really small red led with a 3v battery thatd fit. in this case i used 2 1.5v batteries.
Btw Jason, what's that box in the background?
me too, try not to "f" it up with nonsense. what i post has to do with mgs and am always respectful of others feelings.
ryan, its the box for the japanese peace walker premium package. it had the soundtrack, hd pw, and the pp bd bb pak.