Was Medi Link delayed, by the way? If Amiami gets any more I may be interested in ordering from them. I'd like to know what their prices are, too.
They want $100? ****ing scalpers.
Was Medi Link delayed, by the way? If Amiami gets any more I may be interested in ordering from them. I'd like to know what their prices are, too.
Was that banner one ebay Australia?
Nice display. Looks pretty kewl.
You saved me a pant load off the Riobot Jehuty through HLJ.
Plis, with al your ZOE collectibles I don't think I've seen your impression of the games. Do tell!
And rampagesss, you should make a video tour of your collection. You remind me of that guy from diesnake.
lol yea I might do it one day when I have some time, but my collection is no where as good as his was (even though I do own some of is items in my collection)
I'd be happy to get my hands on a PAK cyborg ninja. I was thinking about getting some Metal Gear PAK figures. Which PAK Snake has the best head sculpt?