Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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I think Mr. Lerma really got Solid Snake's "young" face! :clap


My memory may be serving me wrong and I'm beating myself up now for not remembering but when I was at con, I asked a representative when they were due to release and I believe he actually said as soon as September. :pray:
My memory may be serving me wrong and I'm beating myself up now for not remembering but when I was at con, I asked a representative when they were due to release and I believe he actually said as soon as September. :pray:

for a metal gear figure ?
That's good news, it's barely 2 months away! :clap

I really doubt that. look how long ago we saw the latest Peace Walker figs when they were at prototypes and they're just coming out now. maybe the guy was talking about the other play arts, maybe Deus Ex?

whatever the case i hope your right lol
I really doubt that. look how long ago we saw the latest Peace Walker figs when they were at prototypes and they're just coming out now. maybe the guy was talking about the other play arts, maybe Deus Ex?

Yeah, the Miller figure still hasn't been released, and we got the proto-pics of those first. :gah:
Yeah, the Miller figure still hasn't been released, and we got the proto-pics of those first. :gah:

Oh, the Miller figure is released. Hobby Link Ja.pan, and a few Ja.panese retailers on Ebay have him up for sale if you're interested in getting it early. But, the prices are just :slap.
Ah, thanks for the heads up. If they are more expensive than the retail price of Big Boss, I will have to think twice and just wait for a 2nd-hand figure being sold.
I'm out of the loop on MGS figures. Who is making these? They look freaking fantastic!
Edit- Just saw Square Enix logo there. Assuming Playarts. Was hoping they were 1/6 scale. Still, they look outstanding.
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1st post here :)
While waiting for HT Snake & PlayArts or 3A Rex/Ray (who knows when..:impatient:), I custom-made my own Metal Gear REX.
Feedback is welcome.

Yup. It's full action poseable!

Including the cockpit detail!

Custom markings and double cockpit joints!

It can't stand on 2 toes like in the game, but it can sure pose like one~

Parts chunks.

Extremely impressive. Wish this was available to purchase.
Every time i come back to this thread, it's like always hearing this
Sniper Wolf: You are a fool to come back here, stupid man.
Yeah.... plenty of things i want that money can't buy (or it's not for sale), and these are just amazing :gah:

1st post here :)
I just pray and pray, u'll reconsider doing commission on this :pray:, it's
one of the most amazing thing i've seen

It is a personal sculpture.


I might just snap if u make and sell the entire fox-hound unit :medic
My memory may be serving me wrong and I'm beating myself up now for not remembering but when I was at con, I asked a representative when they were due to release and I believe he actually said as soon as September. :pray:

by any chance was it this guy?


notice he says the MGS1 figures are bigger than the other PAs... interesting