Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Yup that was him! Darn it, I wished he mentioned the release date in the video. The MGS figures did look a tad bigger than the others.

coming to think about it i think the guy meant big in popularity lol. how much bigger would you say in comparison to the Peace Walker ones?

anyways if he said september to ya i just hope he didn't say September 2012, id like them quite abit before the apocalypse. :pray:

did you hear how far away the release for God of War and street fighter pt 2? i simply cannot wait that long for these!
Maybe they'll be up for preorder by September, but they're certainly not being released in September.
I'm surprised that he's still selling a pre-order of the Metal Boss figure. I thought they ran into license issues with either Konami, Kojima Productions or Hot Toys (who acquired the license themselves). So this boxed set will still be released? I like the accessories. If they are still going to be released, I'll look into the Peace Walker figures. :naughty
From inflames` blog




MGS is by far my favourite video game series of all time. I was always mad that it didn't get much 'toy love'. However, after getting my hands on the Sneaking Suit Snake I must say I already adore the the PAK line and I truly can not wait for MGS1 Snake and Grey Fox. I just really hope they keep the ball rolling and release figures from my favourite game of the series - MGS2. More specifically, a Raiden from MGS2 (although I'd gladly take MGS2 Snake, Vamp, Otacon, Ocelot and just about ANY character from the game). If they don't go for that, I'm hoping at the very least we get a Raiden in time for Metal Gear Rising's release, although gotta admit, I'm not too hot on the cyborg look haha!
I don't think that they have to fix Snake's face, for me it looks perfect.
The Gray fox looks incredible with the paint :yess::yess:, they are a must have for me.






I will buy these day one :rock:rock:rock
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Damn that looks good! Wish hot toys would show what they're doing with the license so I can decide if I'm gonna pick these up or not