You know that one too/Mod
To me Snake makes the MG series they tried replacing him with Raiden in MGS2 which IMO did not work.
To me Snake makes the MG series they tried replacing him with Raiden in MGS2 which IMO did not work.
Oh I agree. If you are going to replace him the dude better be cool. Not Raiden at all!
except for his high heels i do think Raiden looks pretty cool.Raiden looks cool now.
Raiden looks cool now. But I don't think the characters are what burden down the Nintendo games, it's that the games are always basically the same formula. Mario kart hasn't changed since the SNES really...only slight differences in all the games.
That beings said, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Twilight Princess were all amazing games. So Nintendo hasn't lost it's touch, it just needs to focus more on hardcore gamers again.
I really enjoyed the Raiden Big Shell thing. It was well done.
It is the same with GTA4. I love this game and have been playing it like crazy. However there is nothing new in the gameplay. How IGN and others can say it is perfect is just moronic. Anyone that says this game is perfect is in my opinion dumb.
NOOOOOOOOO!!!! They want to pre-charge my Check Card for the LE Console and I don't have the cash yet!!! ^^^^, I would have one already if I did!!!! GHEY!!!!!
Damn, I still hope they have these on Friday!!
Well, just tried again and they are all gone!!!! ^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And already going for over $1K on eBay!!! ^^^^ YOU KONAMI!!!!!
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