honestly its hard to even rate the games and moments in them. ive played mgs1-mgs4 and the only time ive ever hated it was when i was on a hard difficulty and was getting my ass kicked.i mean i can play a game like gta over and over even more than mgs4 but nothing has ever given me more pleasure and mind destroying plot twists than mgs4
Agreed. Such a great series...anyway here's my answers:
Best main theme:
The Best Is Yet To Come
Best boss theme(music):
Mantis' Hymm
Best boss fight:
Psycho Mantis
Worst boss fight:
Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Favorite part(encompassing entire series):
Snake's reencounter with Gray Fox (MGS)
Least favorite part:
Ending of MGS2 (lol too convoluted)
Best voice acting overall(game):
David Hayter
Best narrative(game):
Best motion capute(male):
Whoever does Big Boss in Snake Eater
Best motion capture(female):
The Boss
Best gameplay: MGS4, improves on every aspect
*2 newly added questions:
*Best intro movie: MGS3 (So James Bond, loved it)
*Best Ending: MGS3, heavy ending, very sad and powerful.
MGS4 only*
List the B&B unit from favorite to least favorite.
1.Laughing Octopus
2.Crying Wolf
3.Screaming Mantis
4.Raging Raven, lamest boss...couldn't help but laugh when she yelled "Rage!! Rageeee!"
Favorite Act:
Act 4
Favorite new character:
Best returning appearance:
Meryl or Snake
Best boss fight:
Liquid Ocelot