I couldn't wait until Xmas so I picked up a copy tonight and started playing MGS3 a few minutes ago.
Will probably follow it up with Peace Walker, MGS1, and MGS2.

You can no longer play with your glasses using the triangle button when you're wearing the scientist disguise.
Hmmm thats odd cause Ive been able to do it. In fact im doin it now.eater
I finally finished up Snake Eater last night. Such an awesome game. I'm going to start Peace Walker this weekend and when I finish that one I'll progress through MGS 1,2,4
Got my order in just now. But...
I was extremely excited so see it was available again that I put my order in immediately. But now that I know the set has been changed I'm quite disappointed and may turn around and cancel it!
No MG1!
No MG4! Platinum version or whatever...
Probably not limited to 4,000 or individually numbered anymore either! Now there's a 360 version so yeah, way more than 4,000.
Why would Konami take away a lot of what made this so special!?
The artbook sounds cool but a shirt! Really!
This set went from a special collectible for the MGS fan to meh!
Don't get me wrong, it's still cool to a degree, but meh!
Yeah, this set isn't nearly as "special" as it was several months ago, as the edition number has been increased from 4000 to 13000. But, that's still a pretty low number, if you ask me. There are hundreds of thousands of MGS fans around the globe, and being able to get 1 of the 13000 editions is still pretty nice.