Darth Madden
You Are A Tooooooy!!!
I lost interest pretty much after the black album. I have liked a couple new songs here and there (I love "Until It Sleeps") but not enough to buy any of the new albums. They are done.
what's worse is that when metallica plays their old ^^^^ live now, they make it sound like alternative crap. can they even play heavy anymore? or fast?
plus im sick of hetfield chasing all his lyrics with a "YEAAAH, YEAAAH". WTF?? listen to the lyrical onslaught on ...and justice for all, and then listen to anything from the last 15 years.
yeah but they could still have evolved and keep their trash/speed roots...Even today,Their is lot of great metal bands that are still very loud and heavy...In flames for example keep re-inventing themselves but never left their melodic death genre.And what about Slayer....No wonder their fans are some of the most loyal metal fans ever, Slayer never sold out and their music is even 100X more aggressive today than in the 80's.
I'm not even a big metal fan anymore, but I do know that Metallica aint a heavy Metal band anymore.
is the album cover a preview of what we can expect from the musical content?Here's the cover to their new album.
I hope the new album doesn't suck. I'd like them to be relevant again, but after the past few albums it's hard to get excited for these guys anymore. Hopefully, maybe, we'll see...
Have you heard the new song???? i like it!!!
.. just listen to the latest Testament album for your metal fix ....
the last metallica cd i got was the "black" album after that i've lost all interest in this band.........sellouts!! or is it just old age? nah, look at maiden, older than metallica and still making good music, so yes....sellouts..oh and ulrich's an ass!