It's hard to talk about movie Batmen. For me, Bale's Batman was the worst on-screen Batman (obviously not counting West, Kilmer and Clooney... those guys don't count, those are not Batman movies to me but children movies) but the best Batman movie is The Dark Knight Rises. Affleck's Batman is the best design of Batman -
suits and body - but the actor can't play Bruce Wayne and Bat V Sups was a failure (with a lot of good ideas, that's the tragedy of this movie). Keaton was a solid Batman and the two Burton movies are great.
I love Batfleck as a figure because the three designs (reg Bats, Knightmare Bats, and Armored Bats) are the best design ever when talking about Batman movies. That's about it. I know I won't buy a Dark Knight Bale because I just hate the suits and the character in the movie.