Tech Suit Spidey,Blade and Bats. Another Mezco push...sweet. I wouldn't imagine the other Bats too far off either.
I don't pay enough attention to all the variants. But the really awesome variant of Soveirgn(?) Knight with the sweet yellow oval is long sold out and I'll never own one for less than a few hundred bucks, right?
And the most amazing thing ever, the 89 Keaton is obviously unscheduled, and most likely will turn up a year or two from now. I thought the face still looked a little rough/hand painted....did any of the Mezco staff confirm or deny that it would have a stretchy body suit with the rubber armor bits glued down (like the actual movie suit) or is that just our speculation/hope at this point?
Yes, they were $250 at one point. Even though I was wailisted on the same day it was sould out, I wont get my hopes up and got one yesturday for $150.You can buy a preorder for one for $160 on eBay right now. I kind of think showing the '89 Batman put a slight damper on the demand for the Onyx. I'd expect you could get him for like $130 or so after release. Depends on what you're comfortable paying, once it ships everyone's going to deal the second copy.