Yeah, but Batman was never the Mezco ex. dark blue color with any of those weapons or accessories he has. That was my point. That's all. It comes with every versions accessories, but he never looks like that when he uses them.
In the graphic novel, he's pretty much every variation possible. Sometimes he looks lean, other times he looks like a 400 chubby monster. Sometimes he's black, sometimes he's blue, sometimes he has a gradation from blue to black like he does in the big page spread at the carnival. There's even a moment when he fights the Mutant Leader for the first time in his blue and oval costume where he is practically black and dark grey because of the setting of the fight. Just because that's the shade and mood the colorist wants to convey, doesn't mean Batman is actually black and grey in that scene.
The Mezco ex. mostly captures the look of when he's on horseback when Gotham loses electricity after the crash and everything is pitch black. They most likely made him the dark, grayish blue to stand out from the background. If you look at Carrie Kelly's black rimmed glasses (which I think we can all agree is black), they're the same dark blue. Then there's the sequence where he's on the motorcycle where his cowl, boots, gloves and trunks are literally black, but his cape is blue to help stand out from the black asphalt on the panel.
For my money, there are three costumes in the comic, classic blue w/ oval, black and grey when he returns to fight the Mutant Leader and Joker, then the special armored suit he fights Superman else in. Everything else is the colorist separating Batman from visually similar backgrounds or setting a particular mood (first fight with the Mutant Leader). Figure wise, anything else is just a gimmick to sell more of the same figure.
Gotham Alleys: Blue Batman?
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