I broke down and ordered the PX. Can anyone give an opinion on that figure? I know there are several versions.
They're all worth getting IMO
Whether you get the three different colors or just one.
You will be happy with just one and be jumping for joy if you get all three and if you manage to get the B&W version..well you hit the Jack Pot!
But to sum it up for you, if you were a fan of the bat suit in TDKR before he fought the mutant leader the first time then it doesn't get any better than the PX version.
IMO it's spot on Bats pre mutant leader fight
Of course right after the fight the suit got jacked up so he switched to the familiar B&G suit, this is where the B & G Mezco shines
Then somewhere down the line Miller got high and started mixing up the colors toward the end of the series..thus we get the dark blue look and of course the Mezco Ex covered this in spades!
B&G grapple hook, pistol holster, no rifle
PX- rifle, grapple hook, no pistol or holder, but leg attachment
Mezco ex- comes with everything
B&W- just a grapple hook