Mezco One:12 - Star Trek

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Vegas Dead Dolls exclusive Spock from "The Cage" episode. Way too rich for my blood on a variant, but for the hardcore(and well off) it's cool. preorder page

Spock 005.Jpg
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Vegas Dead Dolls exclusive Spock from "The Cage" episode. Way too rich for my blood on a variant, but for the hardcore(and well off) it's cool. preorder page

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I feel sorry for talking up this line after the Batman figure. I'm going to pick up the PX Dredd and then I'm done, the price hikes with each new announcement are insane considering they have exactly three figures (and variants thereof) released so far.
I feel sorry for talking up this line after the Batman figure. I'm going to pick up the PX Dredd and then I'm done, the price hikes with each new announcement are insane considering they have exactly three figures (and variants thereof) released so far.

Sorry, but that's pretty silly. This is not a 'price hike'. It's the retailer charging a stupid price for an exclusive. We haven't even heard anything directly from Mezco on this yet. Also, there hasn't been a price hike with each new announcement either. The last one was Frankenstein at $70, which is less than the previous Daredevil at $80. So I guess you should celebrate the price decline then? The different price points are obviously according to different licenses. So perhaps we could chill. Respectfully.
Sorry, but that's pretty silly. This is not a 'price hike'. It's the retailer charging a stupid price for an exclusive. We haven't even heard anything directly from Mezco on this yet. Also, there hasn't been a price hike with each new announcement either. The last one was Frankenstein at $70, which is less than the previous Daredevil at $80. So I guess you should celebrate the price decline then? The different price points are obviously according to different licenses. So perhaps we could chill. Respectfully.

Batman, Dredd and even the Mutant Leader brought more accessories for less money than Frankenstein. Right now the prices have increased from $5 to $15 depending on the figure, if that trend continues soon the average release will break the $100 barrier.

And please don't tell me to 'chill'. Respectfully.
Batman, Dredd and even the Mutant Leader brought more accessories for less money than Frankenstein. Right now the prices have increased from $5 to $15 depending on the figure, if that trend continues soon the average release will break the $100 barrier.

And please don't tell me to 'chill'. Respectfully.

None of us knows what each figure cost to make/license. Maybe the Universal Monster license costs a lot more than TDKR or Dredd. I've seen on other forums where the Bela Lugosi license is really hard to get and expensive, so maybe they are spreading that out over the other monsters and having less accessories and just an extra head sculpt. We don't know. I just don't know if I would say that there have been any price 'increases', rather that there are just different price 'points'. There is no trend. The first outing was $65 and this new round has different price points according to license. They could very well do a TDKR Joker/Superman at $65. Will the prices eventually reach $100? I'm sure they will at some point, but even then HT are $220 for bare bones 1/6 figures. $100 for Mezco 1/12 figures with extra headsculpts and accessories isn't really all that much of a stretch as long as the quality continues and even improves.

Also, I said we could chill, not you should chill. I was referring to the overall shock at the price from here and other forums without very much info to go on with this singular and very particular preorder. There has been a lot of hand wringing over the price of these things when they are just starting out. I'm price conscious as well, but am trying to let things play out before getting down on this line.
I won't be getting this exclusive Spock, I'll be plenty happy with the regular version. As for the price increases, yeah the newer figures cost more than the batman or dredd but they look like they have advanced the design and detail of the figures since batman and dredd. More detail, better faces and more complex outfits plus a hefty license like marvel I can see the $15 price hike
I dont mind the price increase, yet. Its part of the game. Give me a new drug, let me test for 3-4 times for a bargain and when you know you got me, raise the price. There was a movie back in the early 90s called something like "superheroes against drugs" featuring Alf, Carebears, Turtles and others fighting against drugs. Awesome movie, anyway... My point is, you can easily replace the deug with an action figure. The only way to get out is cold turkey, but that will hurt...
Cool figure, outrageous price, I'm not biting.

It's now selling on eBay for only $6,000.
The size is still more of a dealbreaker for me than the cost, but I won't deny that it's a fantastic looking figure (with a likeness that I think is even stronger than that of QMX's Spock).
Forbidden planet here in the uk have spock supposedly shipping next week.... and we NEVER get anything first. I expect it'll be put back, but i haven't anything about when the first one is due in the US either....
Forbidden planet here in the uk have spock supposedly shipping next week.... and we NEVER get anything first. I expect it'll be put back, but i haven't anything about when the first one is due in the US either....
I've actually given up preordering anything from the Forbidden Planet online store, they're absolutely hopeless and never stick to their claimed dates. I even had to send them a reminder once to ship me an item I'd preordered after it showed up in stock online!
Forbidden planet here in the uk have spock supposedly shipping next week.... and we NEVER get anything first. I expect it'll be put back, but i haven't anything about when the first one is due in the US either....

April 19th Mezco on Mezco's Facebook page:
"it's (Spock) shipping in the next 2-3 weeks!"

So it's very possible that their estimate is correct.
I've actually given up preordering anything from the Forbidden Planet online store, they're absolutely hopeless and never stick to their claimed dates. I even had to send them a reminder once to ship me an item I'd preordered after it showed up in stock online!
Ha, just after I posted this I got an email from them telling me the Neca Ultimate Sarah Connor figure which was due 2 weeks ago won't be in til the end of May... This is a figure I could have picked up from eBay (UK sellers) weeks ago. I like their "bricks & mortar" shops but that's the last time I preordering something from them online.
Anyway back on topic I preordered both the Spock & Kirk from Kapow toys, who I understand have a good reputation. Really looking forward to these but if they make a Bones that'll be the last one in this line for me...