A guy at runboard cut open the crotch area where the glue is just to pose Raiden in extreme positions,it ^^^^ed up for him as well i assume so he just didn’t care.
It's not like that...

if you only knew...
Initially, I made this fllickr account right out of the box. I was so excited.
After a few days, I realized flickr won't allow any more upload...so I created a 2nd account dedicated to my new favorite after Solid Snake...
MGS4 Raiden.
I pre-ordered it last year and got it WITHOUT all those defects, no cracks in the underarms or crotch areas. It was pristine out of the box.
Seeing it standing there, I am awed. This is the Holy Grail that I've been waiting for a long time...My First Ever Fully detailed
Branded 1/6 figure. This is it...materialized right before my very eyes!
But after looking at it, I find that I cannot split this Raiden's legs,
I'm having a hard time lifting the arms. ..I was saddened.
I am exactly, what
crowinghorse said,
a fan of pose ability. And this is a
ninja figure... They could have used a stretch material where the arms and legs connect to the body...
The only reason the armpits and crotch were cut/separated
by me of course was to allow the figure
to be more posable... I'm not satisfied with it
"just standing there."
I'm deeply saddened with it just standing there.
I sooo wanted it to Kick Ass...

So I TORTURED it...you can find the details in this forum (lots of young cool people there, just like me)...
I said, the hell with this...Let's Get It Done...emboldened with desperation and frustration I cut/separated the areas around the armpits and crotch and created a new account, this time with photobucket...
I'm still hoping that
someone please post pics of this completely dismantled, with all the inside parts exposed so we can all know how to kitbash this or upgrade the inner frame with more durable parts.
How I wish the shoulder joints and the hips joints in the inner body frame are made of metal.
I've been writing Medicom over and over but I only get generic responses...and rarely.
I sent all these 3 gallery links to Kojima and asked him if he would be so kind enough to let Hottoys make a better version.
I even emailed Hottoys and
I am begging them to please impose justice on this great character. Kojima loves this character and so do I.
I want
Great Details,
Durability (
metal parts and swords),
Reparability(easily accessible inner body),
Playability, and
Extreme Pose Ability...
I want justice...Everyone help...as my emails alone won't do as much by itself.
"The squeeky wheel...gets the grease."
Everyone, Email Hottoys, NOW...at their HongKong branch
[email protected] and JAPAN branch
[email protected] so that WE can ALL have a
better revision.
It goes something like this:
Dear Hottoys President Howard Chan,
Please create your own Metal Gear 4 Raiden 1/6.
Create it with
Great Details,
Durability (
metal parts and swords),
Reparability(easily accessible inner body),
Playability, and
Extreme Pose Ability Able to bend the knees towards the chest, able to split and kick high, hands can reach over the head... Include the Jacket and metal sword and knives and SOCOM. Make the limbs Detachable, just like in the game. Make the Eye Cover connectors made of metal and the Visor durable and locks into place.
Please do your best justice on this character and take your time.
Thank You Very Much Mr. Howard Chan.
Crowinghorse...please, email them too.
I'm so down with this.