MGS 4 Raiden 12-inch Figure from Medicom

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ooo man I was so drunk that night I thuoght you were asking me a first i did not even remeber I drink to the way do you know how good toys 2 is .....sorry about the mix up like said i drink to much :rotfl

its cool bro, and about, i never ordered there but i heard its also a good place. kid nemo still doesnt have them instock? By the way,sorry for the late reply
After dressing up Raiden with the Coat i feel like dressing up V1 Snake now,with the Middle East Militia clothes,hard to find that type of clothing though,i assume.

Anyone know where i can ask someone to customize such clothes?
its cool bro, and about, i never ordered there but i heard its also a good place. kid nemo still doesnt have them instock? By the way,sorry for the late reply

the reason i asked about toys2 is i was looking at ht batman on bbt and it said in stock and as soon as i went to buy it like i didnt even click any thing and it said out of stock.... Im like ooo ^^^^ this thing is going like crazy so i went with toys 2 then like days later bbt has it back in :lol bro by the way i like your bio (sex,drugs and rock n roll):maul

After dressing up Raiden with the Coat i feel like dressing up V1 Snake now,with the Middle East Militia clothes,hard to find that type of clothing though,i assume.

Anyone know where i can ask someone to customize such clothes?

dude why stop there why not make him assassin snake :D
I just got my Raiden and WOW what an amazing job by Medicom. Well-sculpted and extremely detailed. I'm glad they even went the length with his flexible toes so he could hold his sword that way.

HOWEVER - I do not think he (or Old Snake) are worth $180+...I ended up getting Raiden from CSC for cheaper. It is also terribly disappointing that the suits are poorly constructed because they LOOK GREAT.I'm afraid to pose Raiden in fear of ruining the suit. These figures are among Medicom's best but also among their most disappointing.
agreed no can deny raiden looks sweet (one of my best looking figures) but when it comes down to posing, despite some of the pictures ive seen here, im still scared to ruin a $175 figure with medicom's track record
I just got my Raiden and WOW what an amazing job by Medicom. Well-sculpted and extremely detailed. I'm glad they even went the length with his flexible toes so he could hold his sword that way.

HOWEVER - I do not think he (or Old Snake) are worth $180+...I ended up getting Raiden from CSC for cheaper. It is also terribly disappointing that the suits are poorly constructed because they LOOK GREAT.I'm afraid to pose Raiden in fear of ruining the suit. These figures are among Medicom's best but also among their most disappointing.

Honestly, I've posed my figure, and bent the arms a lot. I haven't seen any stress marks whatsoever. I guess the key is not to bend the suit beyond its elastic capabilities. Or maybe I just got a good figure. lol.

You've spent good money on this figure, might as well make the best out of it. I know that I am. :D
Guys, is it just me, or is changing the hands on this action figure somewhat difficult? Whenever I try to install a new hand on Raiden, my fingers constantly tug at his vinyl forearm. Tugging => loss in elasticity for the vinyl = stretch marks. This is... horrible!

Basically, the vinyl just gets in the way of installing the hands. I'm constantly worrying that my fingers might rip something.

Now, I'm starting to see why Medicom didn't give interchangeable arms for RAH Old Snake.
really? my hands change too easily. they fall off with a little pressure so i thought they were broken but they werent. i had that trouble wit my batman figure though because of the suits
really? my hands change too easily. they fall off with a little pressure so i thought they were broken but they werent. i had that trouble wit my batman figure though because of the suits

LOL :lol just the opposite happened with me. In fact, when I first tried to change the hands, they were SOOO hard to come out, I thought that they were glued in place.

I guess that Medicom didn't employ the same quality control standards for all their figures.... hmm.
Honestly, I've posed my figure, and bent the arms a lot. I haven't seen any stress marks whatsoever. I guess the key is not to bend the suit beyond its elastic capabilities. Or maybe I just got a good figure. lol.

You've spent good money on this figure, might as well make the best out of it. I know that I am. :D

You can bend the elbows and knees just fine without any problems,its the shoulder and thigh that does the damage if you bend the entire leg and arm,the glue seam is the problem,anything else is just fine.
Guys, do any of you know how many of these figures were produced? Raiden is listed as a "limited edition" on a lot of sites.
i just got my raiden today, not bad
i actually am more pleased witht this than i thought, but im definately not over posing him, i might even just leave him in the box.
the reason i asked about toys2 is i was looking at ht batman on bbt and it said in stock and as soon as i went to buy it like i didnt even click any thing and it said out of stock.... Im like ooo ^^^^ this thing is going like crazy so i went with toys 2 then like days later bbt has it back in :lol

yeah toys2 and bbts sometimes says its instock and then sold out, thats what happened with my raiden, 3 weeks ago i checked, I clicked add to cart and it said it was sold out. Couple days later, I clicked and boom! I end up getting the last one instock :D

bro by the way i like your bio (sex,drugs and rock n roll):maul
Thanks :D:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock2:rock
yeah toys2 and bbts sometimes says its instock and then sold out, thats what happened with my raiden, 3 weeks ago i checked, I clicked add to cart and it said it was sold out. Couple days later, I clicked and boom! I end up getting the last one instock :D

Thanks :D:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock2:rock

odd how that stuff still waiting for kid nemo to get raiden in one other site said they were geting him in the 24th I hope kid nemo dose 2......Did you by any chance hear any thing on the mgs film?
odd how that stuff still waiting for kid nemo to get raiden in one other site said they were geting him in the 24th I hope kid nemo dose 2......Did you by any chance hear any thing on the mgs film?

Dude, check out play-asia. They have the figure in stock RIGHT NOW!! :horror
Raiden is listed as a "limited edition"

I'm tired of this fear based marketing tactic, this is a waaayy worn out piece of used and useless marketing pitch ever. People should get a product because it's good
not because they're driven by fear.

I say, everyone deserves a good thing. If it's good better make some more so that everyone can be happy. Life is just too short for deprivation and fear.

You have an average of 75 years to be truly alive. That's 24 hours a day.
And you have to sleep 8 hours a day, right? That's one third of every day shaven off. So, one third of your whole life which is 25 years has been shaved off...
You have less than 50 years to roam around and get to enjoy life and be happy,
unless ofcourse you die of other causes of death, no guarantees.
That's not all, whatever is left of the UNguaranteed 50 years or less to enjoy life and cause enjoyment to others is being wasted on a lot of other bull**** all around us....

So, "limited edition", huh.....Yeah right. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
lol yeah olive drab was "limited" everyone thought but its not so limited, anyone can get one practically for $155.
Yeah its a trick,when someone sees "Limited Edition" they think its something Special,its a sales trick,nothing more.

Olive Drab is pretty limited though,i think it was 500.
Raiden is listed as a "limited edition"

I'm tired of this fear based marketing tactic, this is a waaayy worn out piece of used and useless marketing pitch ever. People should get a product because it's good
not because they're driven by fear.

I say, everyone deserves a good thing. If it's good better make some more so that everyone can be happy. Life is just too short for deprivation and fear.

You have an average of 75 years to be truly alive. That's 24 hours a day.
And you have to sleep 8 hours a day, right? That's one third of every day shaven off. So, one third of your whole life which is 25 years has been shaved off...
You have less than 50 years to roam around and get to enjoy life and be happy,
unless ofcourse you die of other causes of death, no guarantees.
That's not all, whatever is left of the UNguaranteed 50 years or less to enjoy life and cause enjoyment to others is being wasted on a lot of other bull**** all around us....

So, "limited edition", huh.....Yeah right. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I'm going to disagree with you here. The RAH figures produced for Metal Gear Solid are definitely limited. Old Snake was only available for about four months before becoming officially discontinued. Hobby Links Japan, Play Asia, etc. have all exhausted their stock of this figure for some time, and didn't restock since.

Similarly, RAH Olive Drab Snake was only available for a few short weeks, before sites (such as Sideshow) labled the figure as has being sold out.

RAH Raiden has been sold out since the pre-order was becoming available. The only store that currently has Raiden in stock is Play-Asia. I wonder what sort of deal they had to cut with Medicom for that to happen.

My point is that, if the figures weren't limited, online stores shouldn't have such a hard time getting them restocked. There should be plenty of these figures to go around, just like Transformers at a Toys 'R Us store. But, we all know that that this isn't the case. Don't even get me started with the limited availability of the original RAH Snake from MGS 3. That figure is impossible to find, unless you're willing to dish out an excess of $400 on ebay.

But, all of that being said, I still question as to why Medicom never assigns an individual number to their figures. :confused: I mean, we spend hundreds of dollars just to buy one of their products. The least they could have done, was give us a numbered certificate.
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Yeah its a trick,when someone sees "Limited Edition" they think its something Special,its a sales trick,nothing more.

Olive Drab is pretty limited though,i think it was 500.

wow really i thought that was a cheap ploy, it seems you can find it anywhere though so i was really doubting the 500 number